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  1. Minion s1


    were they just wilting even when they had water? cuz i had spidermites last year, and they caused em to do that
  2. Minion s1


    holiday world fried or grilled chicken?
  3. Minion s1

    Lee´s 2009 Grow season

    does removing the lower leaves encourage branching up top?
  4. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    nice tree lee
  5. Minion s1


    i'd just chill out if you could cross any 2 peppers what would they be?
  6. Minion s1

    Fly's on my plants

    i had a few white flys on my red habs last year, used a spray bottle with listerine...didn't see any on the plants the next day
  7. Minion s1

    fertilizer fertilizer recommendation

    i use worm castings, and alaska fish fertilizer. and add in some bone meal or epsom salt if i think they need it
  8. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    after i got up this morning, found my fatalii tipped over :( neighbor's dog got to it... luckely the plant didnt get burried when it happened. pretty sure it'll be alright got a few big bricks and braced the sides of the pot. hope it's enough to keep the dog from tipping it over
  9. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    well, just potted my fatalii and moved it outside should i tie it to the stake now, or when it gets taller?
  10. Minion s1

    hardening off question

    well, ive been gradually increasing the time it spends outside each day.(+1-2 extra hours each day) havn't seen any problems with it, and i kept it out for 10 hours today. i've been thinking about potting it this weekend and just putting it under a tree for at least a couple days, then moving...
  11. Minion s1

    hardening off question

    so, do i wait til it starts to wilt? or just do it like an extra hour each day?
  12. Minion s1

    plant pot question

    ò.ô 2 gallons? seems a lil low
  13. Minion s1

    plant pot question

    how many gallons are in a 15" pot? //edit// just measured it, and its 15" wide x 14" deep (not counting the tray)
  14. Minion s1

    Silver Surfer's 2009 plantings

    now i may be a lil new at this. but couple of those plants like the datil, looks like it could use some epsom salt
  15. Minion s1

    hardening off question

    would keeping my fatalii in an east facing window, and then moving it to a west facing window each day, so that it only gets about an hour of shade each day, be adequate enough to harden off the plant? or would it need to be outside?
  16. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    well heres my fatalii...
  17. Minion s1

    container Earthworms in your outdoor containers...

    s'pos you could put something like a layer of gravel in the bottem of the pot to help prevent them from getting out
  18. Minion s1

    health somthin wrong with my fatalii?

    well, i mixed some bone meal into the top layer of soil. it seemed to work...the leaves turned a lil more green, and the other 2nd true leaf came in and stayed green. but over the past couple of days all of the leaves that had turned yellow earlier, fell off. and when i woke up today, i found...
  19. Minion s1

    container Earthworms in your outdoor containers...

    i did this last year with my red habs, most of the 1s i put in the pots went out of the drain holes, and into the tray. and i found them dead... when i empted out the pots (after my plants had finished producing), i found worms still in the soil...
  20. Minion s1

    self pollinating?

    well i have 2 fatalii plants, but 1 of them doesnt seem to be doing very well. anyway my primary concern is that if 1 dies the other won't be able to set fruit. ive heard good things about fatalii, which is why i wanted to try them and i heard from a friend of mine that some plants are self...