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  1. gmen16

    Summer Vacation Prep?

    I like the topping idea. I think stripping flowers alone won't be enough, itll just shoot out more instantly. Maybe just water heavily and add a really thick layer of mulch. Combine with a shade cloth can't hurt. Also I see some people with rigged water bottle containers to dispense water...
  2. gmen16

    Upstate New York Growing?

    First year I overwintered a plant, seems to be doing well so far with lots of flowers. They do jump start once warmer weather hits but mine was small to begin with.
  3. gmen16

    Upstate New York Growing?

    I'm in baldwinsville...5-7 gallon buckets...I Dont dare plant out without them. Would t surprise me if it frosted tomorrow.. buckets easier to move indoors
  4. gmen16

    Total n00b with n00b Questions

    Forget which thread I was reading maybe the overwintering one but it mentioned how peppers will grow as they fruit. So maybe for optimal vegetative growth you could pick them but wouldnt be detrimental to leave them.
  5. gmen16

    2 Peppers 1 pot, 1 much smaller... Suggestions?

    Happy to see this considering I have an abundance of plants this year and not enough buckets! I have some growing 2 in a 5 or 7 gallon bucket. One bucket I gave a cayenne and a golden cayenne together and the golden seems to be taking control.
  6. gmen16

    overwintering overwintered plant

    I think I tried starting a habenaro, jalapeno and red bell...thats all I can remember and there couls be more. I had success growing other peppers last year so paid very little attention to these sadly. This one just popped up later in the season and I misplaced the labels.
  7. gmen16

    overwintering overwintered plant

    Long story short, I started a few random peppers from seed well too late last year and only have one survivor. This plant was maybe 3 inches tall with 2 dangly leaves on it this spring. Anyways, I do not remember which plant this was. Any ideas?
  8. gmen16


    I am currently trying this method. I have several 5-7 gallon buckets and have holes carved out in some. I layered the inside with burlap to hold in soil. They seem to be doing better but a little too early to tell as its only been 2 weeks
  9. gmen16

    hydroponic DIY guide: how to make off grid hydroponic self watering container

    Can someone explain how the plant picks up the nutrients in the soil with this method? I want to try this
  10. gmen16

    largest pepper

    Thanks for the advice haha
  11. gmen16

    largest pepper

    Need help. My friend and I are starting a yearly challenge to see who can grow the single largest red bell pepper. I know a little on the topic but just looking for that extra edge to win;-). And no I cant just buy 30 plants to get the biggest one.
  12. gmen16

    Urgent help needed!

    I wouldn't worry. I have a young bell pepper plant that had maybe 50 buds on it. When 3 of them set pods first and grew, all the others fell off. Just the plants way of saying this is how much I can handle right now. Just to add also, you can see how healthy and green your plant is and the only...
  13. gmen16

    Buds starting on Jalapeno plant?

  14. gmen16

    flower drop?

    That's a quick process...figured itd take atleast a week pr so to
  15. gmen16

    flower drop?

    Is this flower drop? Or the start of a pod? The flower opened up about 2 days ago then fell off tonight
  16. gmen16

    cloning Cappy pruning and cloning 2014

    Love the cloning idea as well... will have to try that out next time..its my first year so still building my pepper empire8-)
  17. gmen16

    first buds

    Is it that the peat moss makes the soil too acidic for the plant to uptake the nitrogen? Or does the peat moss actually do something where there is less nitrogen in the soil?
  18. gmen16

    first buds

    Thank you! <iframe width="480" height="360" src=""></iframe> <div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480"
  19. gmen16

    first buds

    This is my first post here but ive been reading everday for about 2 weeks now. This is my first year growing peppers and im already obsessed. Anyways... im seeing my first buds and am curious as to what fertilizer I should switch to or anything I should change when my first fruits set. I am...