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  1. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    well, the experiment in making my own extract is partly to have one that doesn't taste like the bottom of my shoe..i've used the pure cap crystals before, and you're right, it doesn't always dissovle evenly, which is why i plan of heating a quart of vinegar and dissovling it in that first and...
  2. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    shit, you know how it is.. all balls and no brains... :-p well, gonna start the evap process next week... still undecided on weather to do a forced evap via crock pot, or just have patience and let it go nattural... on a side note, a friend from ireland has challenged me...she says its hard to...
  3. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    btw guys, just wanted to say, thanks for the constructive feedback!! really! i expected pretty much nothing but yelling, but you've suprised me. so, keep it coming guys, this is such a great way to get and share info :)
  4. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    so far, been soaking about about a week.. i shake them up 2 or 3 times a day as for the shot.. yeah, a full shot.. keep in mind i was already kinda drunk when i did it, and well, it didn't stay down long.....
  5. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    alright, now i see where you're coming from.. yeah, this isn't really going to be a pure cap thing like that.. more like a combo of the two...and any way you do it, there's going to be some kind of flavor... this way, i don't get that horrible taste, and if the final flavor profile is what i...
  6. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    you have to look carefully at some of these "superhot" hot sauces/extracts.. the label can be misleading, and say "made with #****** schoville pepper extract" which doesn't mean that's how hot the actual finished product for them verifying the claim for every batch.. eh, i imagine they...
  7. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    which 357?? there's like 4 or 5 differnt varieties.... hmm, 50%.. i suppose i could save some out at that point and see.. tho generally, i think i'd want to reduce it to about 15%-25%.. but hell, lelt's experiment!!!!!!! uyah, i'll do that with the jolokia...i can always get more everclear and...
  8. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    pure cap? ughhhh that stuff is horrible, i used it once and hated it. once again, for me, its all about flavor potawie... any idiot can make it hot...everything should have flavor! nothing i put in overpowers the pepper taste, but it compliments it, little hints, you know? for the most part, the...
  9. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    yeah, the 7pot is hot enough.. the bhut has a nice smokey flavor to it that i like tho.. also, its easier to get bhuts than 7pots..... had my old chef taste the 7pot today..hehehehe... he uses 38 special in one of his hot sauces, and siad it tastes just as hot if not hotter.. better flavor...
  10. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    so... i couldn't resist doing it....took a half shot of the 7pot....holy shit guys, i almost died... didn't help i was already buzzed on way too much cherry uv vodka... that shot of 7pot+everclear did me in, and after 5 minutes of intense burning from tongue to stomach i couldn't hold it in...
  11. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    to elaborate more.. the differnce between an extract and an infusion.. an extract is a concentrated form... so the process is letting the peppers sit in the alcohol for about a month to leach out the oils, then let the liquid mostly evaporate, or reduce, to intensify the flavor. an infusion is...
  12. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    i'd use more peppers if i had them.. i suppose, i do have 4 more 7pots left :( may be able to beg my old chef for more of his jolokias.. he found a good purveyor, thee dried jolokias are actually good and dry, not gummy-dry, like i've gotten from other places. unless anyone has some pods...
  13. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    lol, yeah, i'm not trying to run a meth lab...
  14. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    thanks patrick!! next month after i make these up and they're ready, you might be one of my smplers!!!! if you can handle it :-p
  15. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    oh, i do..ask patrick, he's had some of my sauces.... the extracts, are a challenge, and experiment.. as a chef i like a challenge.....its something unique to add to my repitoire..... and i totally agree with how blair extracts taste.. tired some 38 special a little while ago and was soooo...
  16. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    well potawie, as in all my sauces, i go for fllavor... and i beleive these flavors i have added will compliment the peoppers i've used, and the flavors will be faint, as they are not fresh, except the 7pots. any idiot can makes things hot, hell i can cheat and just add some pure capaician...
  17. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    well, its all the peppers i had left, but i believe it will be enough...don't forget i'll be reducing down half abottle to about half a cup or so. as to what i'll use it for.. the usual.. in sauces, in salsas, on my toothbrush... :-p if it comes out good enough, may add it to my line of sauces i...
  18. D

    makin some extract, come yell at me!!

    alrighty, into stage one.. finally got some everclear and peppers to do this..making 2 kinds, a bhut jolia, for which i'm using 2 oz dried peppers, and a 7p0t, for which i'm using 8 fresh pods.. flavoring the extracts with garlic, onion, cloves and cinnomin. as for my evaporation method, no...
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    High from Neb.

    welcome from omaha!!!
  20. D

    Poor man's (and lazy man's) growing station

    great idea.. we have an extra rack at work i may "borrow" and set up in a similar way.. great for limited space!!!