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makin some extract, come yell at me!!

alrighty, into stage one.. finally got some everclear and peppers to do this..making 2 kinds, a bhut jolia, for which i'm using 2 oz dried peppers, and a 7p0t, for which i'm using 8 fresh pods.. flavoring the extracts with garlic, onion, cloves and cinnomin. as for my evaporation method, no double boilers, not hot plates... i will be using a crock pot.. low heat and the ceramic is a good buffer, just crack the lid and ventilate well, i believe i should have no problems like the kind i have hard about. so, in a month i hope to have good news to update ya'll with :)
what will you use the extract for when done?

PF- are you gonna tell THP to LEAF your name stuff alone? hahahaha
sorry, I just couldn't resist the pun~~~

Back to EXTRACT!
I'd probably avoid fresh chiles and veggies and stick with dry peppers only. Personally I don't see the point in flavoring extract, now you're extracting from peppers, garlic, onion, cloves and cinnamin so its more of a mixed veggy extract
well, its all the peppers i had left, but i believe it will be enough...don't forget i'll be reducing down half abottle to about half a cup or so. as to what i'll use it for.. the usual.. in sauces, in salsas, on my toothbrush... :-p if it comes out good enough, may add it to my line of sauces i want to get produced... notice that a lot of blair and mad dog superhot sauces are in fact extracts, so there's market for it.. i'm growing some 7pot-brain strain this year.. how swesome to use that in an extract, and simply call it brain strain :-p this year's extract i plan on calling rocket fuel..then, everclear by itself is pretty much rocket fuel, at least that's what it tastes like lol

well, keep yelling, i had expected more from you guys :-p
well potawie, as in all my sauces, i go for fllavor... and i beleive these flavors i have added will compliment the peoppers i've used, and the flavors will be faint, as they are not fresh, except the 7pots. any idiot can makes things hot, hell i can cheat and just add some pure capaician crystals, but not gonna.
oh, i do..ask patrick, he's had some of my sauces.... the extracts, are a challenge, and experiment.. as a chef i like a challenge.....its something unique to add to my repitoire..... and i totally agree with how blair extracts taste.. tired some 38 special a little while ago and was soooo disapointed in the taste.. maybe i think i can do better! we'll see in a month.. and depending on how much i get, i may send out some samples...while my cowrkers have been my guinnie pigs for the most part, opinions of other chiliheads will be more knowledgeable...maybe :-p in the meantime, who's brave enough to do some shots of (not very clear) everclear with me? :-p a lil extra burn in these bottles of booze lol