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  1. theboogeyman

    Multi-colored Ghost?

    That's....a really good thing to know!
  2. theboogeyman

    Multi-colored Ghost?

      Okay...I'll bite.  How come?
  3. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    If only I had the room ;). Hard enough starting them early when they're still in solo cups.
  4. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    I'll definitely keep that in mind. My first build is going to be like the one Khang Starr posted in one of his videos - oddly enough what I had in mind to begin with. I'll try sticking with the CNS17 and we'll see how that goes. Then again, experimenting is half the fun. Wish I had a longer...
  5. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    I'll keep the flush idea in mind!
  6. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    *snorts coffee*. "Out the pee hole" lol. I think I'll try the top watering until the roots get long enough. I also think I probably won't nail the two buckets together. That way once a week I can dump and rinse the bottom bucket, top feed pH adjusted water, dump that the next day and refill...
  7. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    Yeah, you were one of several that steered me towards CNS17. I'd been using GH....Floranova? I think? The two parter, in DWC buckets with decent results, but the Kratky and soil plants didn't like it at all this year. The CNS17 was cheaper, and everything took right off, so thanks for the...
  8. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    I was afraid you were going to say that. I've had great success bottom watering with the CNS17 in promix with smaller containers, but figured it wasn't going to scale up to to 5 gallons. I'm half tempted to pick two identical plants and do one with SIP and one in a regular bucket with drain...
  9. theboogeyman

    media Best media for self watering buckets?

    Hey all,   I'm thinking about moving all my soil living plants into 5 gallon self watering buckets.  They currently live in Promix and are bottom fed alternately CNS17 nutes or pH adjusted water every other day.  I'm concerned that if I move the same setup into a SWB, the pH is going to get...
  10. theboogeyman

    health Rotting spots on Cayennes... Blossom end rot?

    Interesting....I didn't think of that because the rest of the peppers on each plant seem fine.
  11. theboogeyman

    Friend or foe?

    Glad to hear they're making a comeback. Colony Collapse is concerning the heck out of me. Seen mud wasps and yellow jackets this year, and a ton of paper wasps. If love to raise a hive of honey bees, but I think the reason I don't see any is because the wasps eat them *shrugs*.
  12. theboogeyman

    health Rotting spots on Cayennes... Blossom end rot?

    I've noticed a rotted spot on a couple of my Cayenne peppers, one on each plant. One is in promix, other is in Kratky. Both seem to get plenty of calcium (Switched to CNS 17 after advice from users on the forum), and there are other pods on the plant that all look fine. I really have losing that...
  13. theboogeyman

    Friend or foe?

    Yeah, I've been dealing with the wasps for forever. I'm not allergic at all, so they're welcome (although I've noted a pointed absence of honey bees over the years), but we occasionally get yellow jackets, and those guys are assholes with wings.
  14. theboogeyman

    Friend or foe?

      Nice!  The more bug-eaters, the happier I become!
  15. theboogeyman

    Friend or foe?

      That's a relief.  I had no idea what the green guy was, but the wasps I haven't been able to get rid of over the last thirty years.  I gave up when I realized they were pollinating and protecting my plants.  There's actually a unused balcony directly above the plants that they've been putting...
  16. theboogeyman

    Peach Scotch Bonnets?

    Thanks for the info.
  17. theboogeyman

    Friend or foe?

    Ran across this little fella and wondered what he was doing on my plants, or what he is. I knew what the second one does - he was none too impressed with me when I shook the branch to pollinate it before I realized he was there.
  18. theboogeyman

    Peach Scotch Bonnets?

    Morning y'all. Finally got some ripe pods of my Peach Scotch Bonnet plants. The top one is what I think of when I say Bonnet. The bottom two are off another plant, and they're anyone's guess. So, Anyone, what's your guess?
  19. theboogeyman

    Multi-colored Ghost?

    Some nice lookin' plants there, Bhuter.  Wish mine would get that big!
  20. theboogeyman

    What kind is fast moving slider is this

    Those hobo spiders are buggers..