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    seeds germination question....

      Are you sure your first round failed?   It took my seeds like 2-3 weeks to sprout in those seed starting trays, and maybe just under a week for the coffee filter/container method. I had given up on the tray actually until one day a little bhut poked it's head up, then like clockwork over the...
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    Hey from Hollywood, FL

    :welcome: from Jacksonville!
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    Not a Butch T but What?

    No harm in letting it sit there right? Might recover on it's on. I keep hearing all you need to do is leave peppers alone and they will do better than over nursing it. This might be a case to just let it sit and see what happens.
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      Hey Ed,   Met up with you on Sunday with my buddy on the way to Daytona. Thanks for the Scorp plants, they look great! I'll see if I can make it down there one of these Saturdays, I'd love to see your grow area sometime as well!
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    New guy from Jacksonville, FL

      Yeah I suck at that sorta thing, but try making an account and load your pictures that way to your account. When you click on the picture it will give you the options of how to link the picture. Copy/paste the links here and we can see them!
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    Hello From North Florida

    :welcome: from Jacksonville, FL!
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    New guy from Jacksonville, FL

      Indeed, anywhere from 30 min to 1 hr each way can be a pain. However, if this thread picks up I could retire early.   What are you growing and where are your pics?!
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    Nutrient deficiency? Disease? TMV?

    FYI, just got back from a 4 day vacation when this started (I had a roommate water my plants while I was away).   Alright, about 3 days ago I noticed the lower leaves of one/two of my tomato plants yellow (new growth) and touching the soil. I figured it was from underwatering so I watered the...
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    New guy from Jacksonville, FL

      It's no problem as long as I get royalties on any $$ generated from this thread! I'm on the east side but I work on the west side, sucks!
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    New guy from Jacksonville, FL

    Welcome from jacksonville! Never been hunting but fish and bbq are two things that go well together (and maybe a 6 pack)! Btw look a couple posts down, you totally copied my post title! :)
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    Then it must be a Cthulhu larvae
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      Is that a June bug? or something of the sort? You'd know better by looking at the google images.
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    shopping looking to buy LED light, opinions?

    I'm so sick of hearing people give misinformation on LED's. Even some of the most seemingly experienced people on this thread do not really understand what certain ratings mean. Let me clear this up without getting into detail.   You cannot compare Watts to Watts on any different platform. This...
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    New Guy From Jacksonville FL!

    Ha! I dont partake in such activities lol that is my roommate's poster. However, being a young guy no one believes me that my growlights are for peppers -.- It can be frustrating at times :)
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    Stunted Bhut Jolokia?

      Here are some more pictures in better light.  
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    Stunted Bhut Jolokia?

      I got the seeds off Amazon. It looks nothing like the other plants from the same packet lol. I'm very curious as well!
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    Stunted Bhut Jolokia?

    Hey guys,   I recently started growing pepper plants and I had this very strange Bhut Jolokia plant come up.   It germinated and grew about the same time as my other plants, but it was VERY stunted. When it came out I was wondering if it was simply a weed or a small clover or something as it was...
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    New Guy From Jacksonville FL!

    HELLO HELLO!   Hailing from Jacksonville, FL. This is my first time growing ANYTHING.   Backstory: About 1 1/2 months ago I was perusing the gardening section at my local wally-world and saw a Jiffy seed starting greenhouse kit. I decided why the hell not, I wanted to grow some peppers and...