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    low of 43 tonight(michigan)

    thanks for the input. prolly gonna leave em out. what about tomatoes? i have about 10 of those in there too.some about 4 inches and some about 8 inches. prolly should add that the greenhouse is only 4x3x3..its pretty packed in there.heating would be difficult.
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    low of 43 tonight(michigan)

    i have about 50 or 60 plants ranging in size from 2 inches to 12 inches i just put outside today in a minature greenhouse and was considering leaving them out there tonight.its supposed to be a low of 43 tonight. is that too cold yet?should i bring em back inside.or do ya think they will be...
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    seeds michigan and seedstarting

    Mid may.2nd week i think. Habs,white bhuts,aji dulce2,bishops crown,trinidad perfume,rain forest,cheiro recife,guampinha de veado,turks cap jalapenos and some small mater types Oh, And some black trinidad scorpions.seeds from a member here.
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    Smart pot question

    I used some smartpots last year and liked em.plants were slow growing in the beginning and i was doubting them. But after some time and patience they exploded with growth,!.i will be using them again and prolly buyin more to try growing tomatoes in.i used 5 and 7gal.i believe
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    seeds michigan and seedstarting

    So im in southeastern michigan and the weather is really strange. Abnormally warm and extremely mild weather for jan/ was over 50f today. So my question is. Is anyone starting seeds earlier this year in anticipation of a mild spring,,? I planned to start mine the 1st or 2nd week of march...
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    Its a new season and im back.with questions

    Are they under a mini greenhouse type thing,?
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    ripening bhuts?

    thanks i either got the labels mixed up or i was sent two yellow bhuts instead of one red and one yellow. oh well.the other plants pods are still green so i will find out soon enough.
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    ripening bhuts?

    when bhuts ripen do they turn yellow before red? they went from green to yellow and have stayed yellow for about a week and a half now. should i wait to see if they will turn red or do i have yellow bhuts?
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    if the sooty mold is not rinsed or wiped off it leaves brown spots where it it burned it or something.i assumed their mites cause their little reddish brown (more red) tiny little bugs kinda oval in shape. they hang out on the top of the leaves and seem to cluster up in the new growth...
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    i went outside a few minutes ago with a flashlight to see what i could see. all three smart pots are infested with ants also.nothing in the buckets tho. how do i kill the ants and not kill the plant?do i need to repot the plants in fresh dirt or is there an easier way? mites and ants!whats next
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    I assumed the damage on my plants were from aphids but with closer inspection i believe it is spider mites doing it. little red bugs.some of my leafs also have a black wet substance on the top of em to,what is it? I did order 3000 ladybugs today and they will be here monday or tuesday.hope this...
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    smart pots vs. buckets

    true. i will be overwintering quite a few tho.
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    smart pots vs. buckets

    actually i water the buckets slightly more cause the smart pots seem to retain some water a bit. prolly cause the bucket plants are bigger tho.
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    smart pots vs. buckets

    sorry about that alchemy. my intent is not to steer anyone away but just to find out if this is common with these smart pots. they still could very well explode with growth.dont know just curious
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    smart pots vs. buckets

    i have some plants in 5 gal smart pots and some in 5 gal buckets. same varieties and planted on the same day and the plants in the buckets are growin much faster and look way healthier than the plants in the smart to come soon. I have used the same water,feeding schedule with all...
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    So i now officially hate my room-mate

    lifes too short! get your "SHTUFF" and move on. fire paper is funny
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    So i now officially hate my room-mate

    hahahahaha LMAO!!! thats not right dude,but funny as hell!!!! just gave me an idea too,lol
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    wish i could you some of mine. severe thunderstorms tonight with up to 60 mph winds and possible hail up to 1". good thing there in buckets!they are in the garage for the night.
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    any magazines?

    Is there a magazines for container gardening?
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    greenhouse greenhouse vs. indoors

    One just opened in davison according to the website. I'm gonna check it out