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    greenhouse greenhouse vs. indoors

    Where is menards? I'm gonnna have to see if there's one around warren
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    greenhouse greenhouse vs. indoors

    millworkman, please tell me more about "geothermal systems" and a "warmwall". you got my curiosity peaked.
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    greenhouse greenhouse vs. indoors

    if thats the price for the one on the right than thats one hek of a good deal!
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    greenhouse greenhouse vs. indoors

    what is the benefit to a greenhouse vs. growing indoors? I know the facts that a greenhouse can extend the season but is it better than taking the plants indoors? is the purpose of a greenhouse just for the warmth or do they really let sunlight in? some of the ones i see dont look like any light...
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    seeds old seeds

    What kind of tea mixture would you suggest?
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    seeds old seeds

    I think its too late to start seeds for this growing season here in michigan. But I know I should be good to go for next year. Thanks guys
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    seeds old seeds

    I found a bunch of seeds i had misplaced about two years ago on a shelf in my basement and i was wondering if they would still be good? do you think they would grminate?most were in small ziplock type baggies.
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    pro mix outside

    was supposed to be some pictures with that info too. oh well.hope that helps. added a link.
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    pro mix outside

    i have 12 more plants coming next week and those will be goin into buckets as well. i bought some cow manure and worm castings to mix in with the promix. is cow manure alright to use?or should i use something different? just for more info this is what i am using...
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    Making Holes in 5 gallon buckets?

    I just used the biggest screwdriver bit that i could find for my drill and used it like a regular drill bit. worked great.i couldnt find drill bits
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    soil good easy potting soil

    thanks for the info.much appreciated.
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    soil good easy potting soil

    i drilled about 20 1/4 inch holes in the bottom of the buckets but didnt put any rocks or sand or anything in the bottom for drainage. do ya think the holes will be sufficient enough.should i add more or make them bigger
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    soil good easy potting soil

    well,I went with what i was told should work at the local plant place. I got pro mix but,not the pro mix bx cause they dont have. the pro mix i got is in a gold bag and is made by premier horticulture. looks like good stuff but i will need to add nutes in about 2 to 3 weeks according to the bag...
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    soil good easy potting soil

    I am going to put some habs and red chilli's in containers this year.I only want to plant 5 or 6 containers and am looking for the best no hassle potting mix i can get.there has got to be something out there that i can go buy dump it in the buckets and add plants.something simple and easy. any...
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    pro mix outside

    can i mix in some topsoil with pro mix?
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    pro mix outside

    can pro mix be used for potted peppers that stay outside or is it for indoor pots only? can i use any potting mix for pepper pots that are outside all summer?
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    I also owe you a thank you patrick. you are a good dude.
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    wanted WTB pods

    back at ya john
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    wanted WTB pods

    mostly for trying myself but bulk is fine too.
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    wanted WTB pods

    I want to buy pods fresh or dried. anykind any heat type/level. hotter the better. have cash will send first.