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    Peppers strangely mild

    Pepper plants had it to good. Spoiled I mean. Did you grow indoors? They were inside from mid jan from seed till around may, then went into a 8x8 greenhouse, the plants were healthy the fruit looked great but just wasn't as hot as I thought they should have been.
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    Peppers strangely mild

    Just starting this years seeds. Last years fruited fairly well. I had scotch bonnets, ghosts, and 7 pots. The ghosts were surprisingly mild, I am located in Saskatchewan. What might be a kicker as to why my peppers remained mild.
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    tim's habanero sriracha style hot sauce

      Can you elaborate on your recipe... I am unsure of what you mean by "Not jays peach ghost scorp'   I would really like to whip up a batch using my ghosts/white ghosts/scotch bonnets/7 pots some how. I am VERY new to the sauce making.
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    How am I doing?

    T5s What would be considered established? I don't have alot of room to work with, and I can't move anything to my unfinished basement as its too cold. I really appreciate all the suggestions.
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    How am I doing?

    I have adjusted my lights and added one more I dont think I'm covering good enough though
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    How am I doing?

    Lights are about 8" away, they were down around 4 till I setup this new box. I figured the reflective plastic might help a bit. We keep out graffiti and other junk in Saskatoon which is 10 mins south of us. It's the fastest growing city in Canada. Also it's supposed to go down to -19 degrees...
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    How am I doing?

    Just wanted to post up some photos. This is my first crop, how am I doing? I look forward to your suggestions.
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    soil Green on my soil

    Recently I have started seeing green in my soil on some of my larger seedlings. What is this? Is it a problem?
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    The Office Crop

    Antilles Carribean has sprouted off of the netbook.
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    pics Pics of your apartment balcony/indoor setup?

    Here is my setup... 6500k t5 on 16hr timer Bhut Jolokia 7 Pot Habanero Fatalii Aji Limon "Cracked" Jalapenos Giant Jalapenos Hot Banana Birds Eye Chimayo Antilles Carribean I cant get the darn Jamaican Hot Chocolates to germinate. I have a cat that will eat anything that sprouts so the...
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    The Office Crop

    Haha no, just something to keep an eye on at work. Though my office is in an open atrium and it would be tempting to try to get them to produce. I know I won't have nearly enough light.
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    The Office Crop

    I figured there werent many people that would have an odd setup like this and just wanted to post up my office crop. I wanted to see if I was able to get anything to grow using any means available to me at work. I have 4 Jalapenos growing... and had 4 White Bhut Jolokias growing, but lost them...
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    Hello from The Prairies!

    It is supposed to be +10C Wednesday next week, Im staying hopeful. I have my stuff growing in boxes in our smallish house and am running out of room. I have a cat that will eat anything that sprouts, she has wiped out every previous attempt at growing anything from seed.
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    Hello from The Prairies!

    Hey... Kevin reporting in from Martensville/Saskatoon Saskatchewan. This will be my first season of growing peppers from seeds. Under 6400k lights (16 hour timer) I currently have sprouts of the following growing in miracle grow seed starter: Bhut Jolokia 7 Pot Habanero Fatalii Aji Limon...