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  1. liquidjo

    Liquidjos 2012 GLOG

    After all the trial and errors, one of my 30 plants left over from the 72 I sowed back in May has begun to flower...Check out the pics:
  2. liquidjo

    Finally Flowering!

    Dont know what it is yet...but its defenitely a superhot(either naga moric or butch t)
  3. liquidjo

    Question regarding Compost Turning

    Thanks...Im guessing the more oxygen/aeration, the better? How often should I feed my plants the finished compost? Can to much compost burn peppers and veggies?
  4. liquidjo

    Question regarding Compost Turning

    I recently started a compost heap made up of veggie/fruit scraps, egg shells/cartons, dried leaves from fig tree, grass clippings. I've read a bit on the subject(what it needs for it to reach a certain temp for the heap to decompose, waterings, layering), and I know it also needs oxygen for...
  5. liquidjo

    need opinion on my pepper leaves

    what size pots do you have them in? You might need to pot up...
  6. liquidjo

    Pepper plant troubles?

    IMO..It looks like over watering...Indications of overwatering are fungus gnats...these suckers thrive in very moist soil conditions...they lay their eggs in the soil and the larvae they deposit in the soil will eat at the roots..not a good thing..Just leave them alone , let them dry out , place...
  7. liquidjo

    Liquidjos 2012 GLOG

    UPDATE: On 06/15/12, I transplanted to bigger pots and brand new soil that I got through a barter deal. Theyre doing great, after a day or two of transplant shock, but rebounded nicely....Here are a couple of pics: This one went into shock after transplant, came back , but seems like it...
  8. liquidjo

    Major Leaf Spotting

    UPDATE: On 06/15/12, I transplanted to bigger pots and brand new soil that I got through a barter deal. Theyre doing great, after a day or two of transplant shock, but rebounded nicely....Here are a couple of pics: This one went into shock after transplant, came back , but seems like it...
  9. liquidjo

    Your opinion on this Potting Mix

    I learn something new everyday when Im THP forum. Thanks! Im gonna go ahead and get it and see how it goes. I'll be putting some in 5 gallon buckets and the rest in the ground. Maybe I'll add some of the compost mix into the soil see how that goes...I'll have my own little experiment going..
  10. liquidjo

    Your opinion on this Potting Mix

    Im in the middle of a barter deal and im getting a potting mix that consist of: "various nitrogen rich greens, bonemeal , ground wood chips, chicken manure, steer manure, osmocote, peat moss, perlite, and other composted materials. Theyre composted for no less than 40 days, when the temp drops...
  11. liquidjo

    Your opinion on this Potting Mix

    Im in the middle of a barter deal and im getting a potting mix that consist of: "various nitrogen rich greens, bonemeal , ground wood chips, chicken manure, steer manure, osmocote, peat moss, perlite, and other composted materials. Theyre composted for no less than 40 days, when the temp drops...
  12. liquidjo

    Major Leaf Spotting

    Thanks nitwit and ABG...I looked around the kilol website and now im in the process of calling around and see where I can find this spray...Looks like something my plants can benefit from...Hope i can find it...@nitwit...I'll be doing some repotting sometime this week, so i'm also currently...
  13. liquidjo

    Major Leaf Spotting

    possible fert burn?
  14. liquidjo

    Major Leaf Spotting

    Or should I just wait until the soil dries up, and then hit it with an insecticidal spray? I was thinking maybe just repotting them into a quality soil and see if that works...Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated...thanks
  15. liquidjo

    Liquidjos 2012 GLOG

    @Nee..Thanks..Yeah, those are pictures from last month, and since then I've separated them and repotted them individually....But whats really concerning are the burnt spots on the leaves...Should I let the soil dry up, then hit it with an insecticidal spray, or just go ahead and repot with...
  16. liquidjo

    Major Leaf Spotting

    Thanks....I'll be heading over to Orchards and grabbing a pack of mosquito dunks. I've also been doing some reading on how to get rid of fungus gnats, and spraying a peroxide/water solution onto the plant will get of rid of the larvae and actual gnats? It wont damage the plant? Just being a...
  17. liquidjo

    Major Leaf Spotting

    These burnt patched have developed over a matter of 2-3 days. Here are some pics of a couple plants showing some leaf spotting, almost looks like the leaves have chicken pox. Most of the plants are doing fine, but its only after i fed them some MG bloom booster flower food(15-30-15)that 4-5...
  18. liquidjo

    Liquidjos 2012 GLOG

    Here is a quick update on the pepper plants, and also some pics of a couple plants showing some leaf spotting, almost looks like the leaves have chicken pox. Most of the plants are doing fine, but its only after i fed them some MG bloom booster flower food(15-30-15)that 4-5 plants have...
  19. liquidjo

    My Sad Little Plant

    Give it some love, serenade aside, how long ago did you move them outdoors?...Maybe the mulch is keeping them to moist. Maybe when you water them thinking they need it because they looks dry, theyre probably drowning underneath...Maybe.