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  1. Hawaiianero

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

    I've tried a store-bought version with both mango and pineapple. Good but almost too sweet and needed to bump the heat with a couple of minced up chocolate habs to really enjoy it.
  2. Hawaiianero

    condiment Easy Salsa

    Giving this thread a much deserved bump. Thanks to smokenfire for resurrecting it from the depths on a newer thread. The original post is definitely an awesome starting point and as you read through all the other posts you get a lot of other ideas that may or may not work for you. ENJOY...
  3. Hawaiianero

    Rocoto's and Everclear

      It was about 5 years old when I finished it not too long ago. It was a "special occasion" bottle for when I needed that extra kick that one or the other couldn't provide on its own. Seriously though, it was hotter than F*#K and burned all the way down. I like the idea of soaking for awhile and...
  4. Hawaiianero

    White Powdery Substance on the Underside of Leaves

    Most likely whitefly. Spray with water hose only hard enough to wash off the white, not kill the plant. Might have to do this for a few days until the whitefly either die or leave.   Or you can chemical bomb it for a few days and hope the whitefly either die or leave.
  5. Hawaiianero

    free Free Pods!!!

    Awesome cool contest, I can't get fresh produce in the mail so I won't play but...   dial 123-1234 Hello? Mr's CTChilihead? No? "click"   dial 123-1235 Hello? Mr's CTChilihead? No? "click"   dial 123-1236 Hello? Mr's CTChilihead? No? "click"   Gimme a minute guys, I'll find it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6. Hawaiianero

    Chilli plant dying after repotting

    Too much water is #1 newbie mistake. Peppers love dry soil. Not powder dry but not soggy wet either.   Good luck
  7. Hawaiianero

    Keeping Roots cool

    If you take cost out of the picture then whole room AC is your best bet. The nutrients will remain room temperature and plants love lower 70's temps.   On the flip side, I know cold roots kill the plant but I honestly don't know how a plant would react to roots being cooler than the rest of the...
  8. Hawaiianero

    Pepper ???

      Yeah that too ;)  
  9. Hawaiianero

    Pepper ???

    I had some Fatalii's and Chocolate Habs come out like that after being totally wiped out by bugs early on in life. The ones that survived the onslaught followed by intense insecticide use looked that way for a long time before finally recovering. Slugs caused the holes and mites caused the...
  10. Hawaiianero

    Toenail fungus cure?

    I'm not completely sold on the anti-fungal properties of peppers. Maybe at high enough levels it could work.  Try infusing the coconut oil with capsaicin instead. Heat the oil to about 100 degrees F (too hot and you kill the good stuff) and throw in some chopped up peppers, let it brew for a few...
  11. Hawaiianero

    fermenting How can I tone down heat on Habanero ferment?

      As a hindsight suggestion, Trinidad Perfume pods taste exactly like habanero but almost zero heat. That could be a way to lower the heat without losing the hab flavor but the challenge to you would be in finding enough TP pods.  
  12. Hawaiianero

    NuMex varieties?

    Big Jim is the only one I have experience with. Excellent mild/mid heat great for roasting green or red. Very tasty.
  13. Hawaiianero

    fermenting Hot Sauce Noob Questions- Fermenting, Recipes, Unique ingredients, Lids, etc.

    Lots of questions for first post. Many can be answered by trial and error. Oh, by the way, :welcome:
  14. Hawaiianero

    Ghost look alike?

    They do not look like ghost at all, too smooth. Looks like possibly Tobago Seasoning pepper. Excellent add-in pods for making hot sauce.
  15. Hawaiianero

    What to charge?????

    I saw orange habs in stores go for $10/Lb and same at farmers market going for 50 cents apiece.
  16. Hawaiianero

    Concentrated pain from peppers?

    7 pot primo is a different kind of beast. That spot in the back of your throat is where that little piece you bit bounced off before going down into your gut. Never tried a primo yet but I had a similar reaction first time eating a piece of a carolina reaper. Log that one down as another  "Learn...
  17. Hawaiianero

    Attempting to root a broken branch aeroponics

    Whatever you do, if the top portion continues to look like it's not dying you should continue the process. I think roots will eventually have to grow as long as the plant stays healthy  
  18. Hawaiianero

    Please I.D. -- Fake Carolina Reaper!?!?!

    Looks very cayenne :tear:
  19. Hawaiianero

    your best guesses

    Looks Moruga but not dark enough for Brown so I go with Caramel Moruga too.
  20. Hawaiianero

    fermenting How can I tone down heat on Habanero ferment?

    MANGO!!! If not fresh you can use frozen. Mango and Habanero work wonderfully together. Do your ferment normally and add the mango and some lime juice when you blend it all down at the end.