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Rocoto's and Everclear

Ok so I got some home made sauce from a friend of a friend of a friend of someone who grows rocoto's up on the mountain. I am told this person soaks his peppers in everclear alcohol for an unknown period of time and then cooks it down and blends the crap out of it. The rocoto flavor stands right out but there are other subtle flavors I can't figure out. I'm not ever sure if there's any vinegar in there but the bottom line it this sauce is amazing. Not crazy hot but a respectable level of heat that peaks very quickly and lingers for a few minutes.
What I want to know is, does anyone have a recipe for any type of pepper that includes high octane alcohol and if so please share :pray:
i would like to know more about this sauce 
are we talking about a rocoto extract that is added to his sauce recipe, or a sauce made from just  rocotos and everclear ?
ive made bhut infused vodka and it was intense to say the least, it was truly :mouthonfire: epic  
(but not for anyone that cant handle eating a bhut)  :rofl:
I also use everclear when making homemade limoncello (new idea :idea:  Rocoto-cello  :twisted: )
i am a fan of rocoto / manzano sauces and would really like more info
somewhat on topic: recently tried my first hooch- ozark mountain hooch  :drunk: my neighbor's family is from up that way, and he has(had) a great big mason jar full of it in his 'fridge..it was awesome! couldn't stay out of it and not that bad of a hangover  :beer:
dragonsfire said:
lol, I haven't heard of Everclear since the late 80's, didnt it come in mason jars? :)
I buy it in 1 liter, or 1.75 liter bottles, looks like this but larger bottle, i have never seen it in mason jars in the liquor store
(though i have seen shine sold in mason jars)
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
i would like to know more about this sauce 
are we talking about a rocoto extract that is added to his sauce recipe, or a sauce made from just  rocotos and everclear ?
ive made bhut infused vodka and it was intense to say the least, it was truly :mouthonfire: epic  
(but not for anyone that cant handle eating a bhut)   :rofl:
I also use everclear when making homemade limoncello (new idea :idea:  Rocoto-cello  :twisted: )
i am a fan of rocoto / manzano sauces and would really like more info
As the story was relayed to me it sounded like they rough-chopped the peppers and drowned them with the alcohol. I do that all the time with vinegar, let them soak for a couple months before cooking down.
I've still got half of a liter of Absolut with a couple 7 pot Brainstrains sitting in the bottom. A shot of it makes my ears ring but it makes awesome bloody marys. :drunk:
I guess I would say I'm less interested in the everclear option thinking there would be no added flavor but more interested in using Tequila or Rum, or a good Bourbon.
Unless I'm completely off base and it is the everclear that gives it such a unique flavor.
Sounds to me like there are two possibilities here:
1) He is making Rocoto extract and maybe adding a few other things to turn it into a sauce. This is done by soaking chillies in alcohol until thoroughly infused, then evaporating the alcohol content off at a low heat (<50°c) until you've basically just got concentrated chilli juice.
2) He is undergoing some strange process of infusing the vinegar before it becomes vinegar, fermenting the alcohol and chilli together.
Hawaiianero said:
I've still got half of a liter of Absolut with a couple 7 pot Brainstrains sitting in the bottom. A shot of it makes my ears ring but it makes awesome bloody marys. :drunk:
How long have you had that bottle?  I have the same thing going but with habaneros in it.  It's been in my cabinet for at least a decade, I forgot all about it.  Think it's still any good?
actionyak said:
How long have you had that bottle?  I have the same thing going but with habaneros in it.  It's been in my cabinet for at least a decade, I forgot all about it.  Think it's still any good?
I bet it's hot as all hell! When I put the chipotles in I test it every 12 hours, alcohol is a powerful solvent for capsaicin and it gets hot fast. Usually I take them out when it reaches a good heat in the 48-72 hour range.

That said, I'm sure it's fine, alcohol is great at preserving things.
actionyak said:
How long have you had that bottle?  I have the same thing going but with habaneros in it.  It's been in my cabinet for at least a decade, I forgot all about it.  Think it's still any good?
It was about 5 years old when I finished it not too long ago. It was a "special occasion" bottle for when I needed that extra kick that one or the other couldn't provide on its own. Seriously though, it was hotter than F*#K and burned all the way down.
I like the idea of soaking for awhile and then pulling the pods out.
Thinking of trying it with Fatalii's this time.