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  1. Helvete

    Berry pickin'

    found a decent patch of wild cranberries, they're not quite ready yet though  
  2. Helvete

    why involve police? you can't handle it without using the government? I don't understand

    why involve police? you can't handle it without using the government? I don't understand
  3. Helvete

    CMPMAN1974 2016 Growing Season

    welcome back!
  4. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    I've never grown it before, Silene undulata is native to South Africa and is supposed to induce extremely vivid dreaming when you consume the roots.  Otherwise they're a pretty cool looking ornamental
  5. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Here's a video update of some of the stuff I finished this past week
  6. Helvete

    music any metal heads on thp?
  7. Helvete

    music any metal heads on thp?

    Not my thing but a lot of angry teenagers might like it because of the djent.  Good luck.
  8. Helvete

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Very short grow season but I'm ready to rock and roll finally.  will have these filled with plants like beans, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.  by the end of this weekend likely.  Soil blend is native topsoil, native clay, guano, epsom salt, bonemeal, and some other things       more coming soon!    
  9. Helvete

    Found a great camping spot

    Kasilof, about an hour and a half north of Homer.
  10. Helvete

    music any metal heads on thp?

    who are you educating?  :P
  11. Helvete

    Found a great camping spot

    they do kind of have a funny chittering sound The biggest problem is tourists during July, it's basically what they call "Alaskan combat fishing" and people crowd the beaches in some spots elbow to elbow catching reds
  12. Helvete

    Found a great camping spot

  13. Helvete

    Found a great camping spot

            the south beach of the Kasilof River delta
  14. Helvete

    chinense Wendy's ghost pepper fries

    I miss Wendy's, closest one is 3 hours away XD
  15. Helvete

    sweet look what I found

    actually this area probably didn't get much activity as far as gold mining because it was all forest when that was going on...people built neighborhoods and stores right on the ground and don't realize there's a bit right beneath their feet.  I didn't pay for the dirt either, got it for free off...
  16. Helvete

    Berry pickin'

    I actually don't know what these are, but they're berries of some sort.  I'll go back and take a look at this area when picking season comes around (August-ish).  Main berries to worry about here are baneberries which are easy to spot and these aren't them.  
  17. Helvete

    sweet look what I found

    it's an ugly piece of busted quartz with some basalt stuck to it
  18. Helvete

    sweet look what I found

    was sluicing and panning a bit, found a few flecks of Au but I also found a nice couple of tiny Ag nuggets.  I'm still not sure what the stuff in the picture is, what else wouldn't be pyrite but be metallic yellow like gold?  I don't think it actually is Au so maybe it's something else.
  19. Helvete

    Lost a 1st cousin yesterday to the scourge that is opioid addiction. I wish people would see it...

    Lost a 1st cousin yesterday to the scourge that is opioid addiction. I wish people would see it as a public health problem instead of a reason to toss people in jail.
  20. Helvete

    sweet look what I found

    got a load of dirt for my raised beds, it's got a lot of cobbled gravel etc. in it that I'm picking out.  I broke out the sluice and pans yesterday lol