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  1. AndyW

    Word Association Thread

  2. AndyW

    Bonnie Habanero

    Mine look fairly normal. I don't have any pods rn but they looked almost identical from a nursery orange hab, if a bit longer
  3. AndyW

    Word Association Thread

  4. AndyW

    TheGreenChileMonster 2018

    Gotta say I have faith in a higher number than I guessed (I'm thinking closer to 250),but I guess I'll stand by my initial guess. Either way that's an insane producer. How is the taste?
  5. AndyW

    Which of these varieties would you choose?....

    I'd say you could probably get away with it in a big tote. May not be the optimum production for each but I doubt it'd be too bad.
  6. AndyW

    Pepper People are the Best

    I'm about a month late on this, and to my knowledge it doesn't pertain to a member here. I visited a farmers' market in Jacksonville FL on my way back from vacation early July. Once there, I noticed this little place full of plants and pointed to with signs labeled with things such as "plants"...
  7. AndyW

    Which of these varieties would you choose?....

    I'd go bg or boc Both great tasting and usable heat
  8. AndyW

    Word Association Thread

  9. AndyW

    favorite Favorite NEW TO YOU variety you grew this year

    That seems really cool. Definitely on the shortlist for next year.
  10. AndyW

    No clue what this is

    I just started using paper in small ziplocks like you'd use for seeds, either tied to the plant or rolled up and stuck in the dirt
  11. AndyW

    Pepper flavor

    Definitely interesting! It's neat to know that it's a topic with some research behind it.
  12. AndyW

    chinense Bonnie Golden Ghost

    I think they just meant that it was showing annuum characteristics like one fruit per node and that calyx Anyway, yours matches up to the label better than mine. Things might be different with my other golden ghost from a different store though.
  13. AndyW

    preservation Preservation thread

    I doubt it. The main goal with that bacteria is to ferment and you can cook a sauce to stop its fermentation.
  14. AndyW

    Word Association Thread

  15. AndyW

    Word Association Thread

  16. AndyW

    Slow and unusual growth

    Mine, by comparison, I never topped and have neglected to feed or water consistently, so it's not looking as hot. I've just kinda left it and watered when it wilted too bad. Not even 100% what variety it is tbh, but I'm thinking yellow brainstrain Edit: I just brought it inside for a photo...
  17. AndyW

    chinense Bonnie Golden Ghost

    That looks... Very different from my golden ghost. I don't have a rile pod yet but I have a couple setting. I'll reply with a pic
  18. AndyW

    Slow and unusual growth

    You can get pods out of super limited root space. I have buds on a plant in a shot glass and multiple pods on a twig in a three inch pot That doesn't mean you'll get the full impression of the cross though. It might look wicked and taste great, but then when you put one in its own pot, you...
  19. AndyW

    favorite Favorite NEW TO YOU variety you grew this year

    I haven't grown them, but I got one in an sfrb from randyp last year and BOC is probably my favorite bhut. It had the heat, but it also had flavor that wasn't just perfume. On that note though, brown bbg is probably my favorite pepper (also from randy). Best tasting superhot I've had by far.