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  1. Muckyai


    I sent off for the little sampler square from Purple. It's ever so squishy.. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  2. Muckyai

    pics Harvest

    More goat weed and datils! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  3. Muckyai

    A picture of a stick

    Ugh. Lol Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  4. Muckyai

    A picture of a stick

    That is one mighty fine stick!
  5. Muckyai

    Super Power

    Golf? Bzzt! Your superpowers are revoked! You've violated Superhero 101: golf is a good walk spoiled. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  6. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Well dang. So the trick it to leave them alone. Lol I'll try... But that's a tall order! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  7. Muckyai

    Super Power

    Whaaaaat?! I wanted Voodoo to foil my megalamania!! I cry foul!
  8. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  9. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  10. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  11. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  12. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  13. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  14. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  15. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  16. Muckyai

    Cacti Thread

    Say, how did you get that cactus to bloom? I think I have the same type that is pretty old and never flowered.
  17. Muckyai

    Super Power

    Okay. I'll play. I choose the power of mind control -asserting my will upon those around me (in a kind and benevolent way of course). Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  18. Muckyai

    favorite What's your favorite brand of hot dog?

    I'll have a hot dog one of two ways. Boars Head hot dog with spicy brown mustard and pickled datil peppers -or- bahn mi style on a crispy baguette with carrot sticks, cilantro, mustard and sliced jalapenos. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  19. Muckyai

    food The Ramen Lover's Thread

    Okay... How's this one compare as far as heat/taste? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  20. Muckyai

    Grass Snake's Garden 2018

    Beauty of a garden! Have you or a neighbor got a bird feeder? My warring doves end up scattering as much seed as they eat so I get quite a few resulting flowers in my garden. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk