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  1. Pepperhead

    contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

    I should have a red PK by the time I get home tomorrow.  First on my plant Woo hoo!
  2. Pepperhead

    Built a vortex compost brewer

      It's all voodoo.  Plants should be grown in dirt, dammit.  :P
  3. Pepperhead

    Ghost pot = 1 giant anthill??

    When you have a few dry days spread ome DE around those babies.  That should keep the ants out.
  4. Pepperhead

    The official TOMATO thread

    I planted seeds I got from my only Mr. Stripey that grew last year.  The tomatoes this year from those seeds haven't produced what I thought they would.  They grew out to be cherry tomatoes.  At first I thought I may have mislabelled something.  Then I realized I didn't plant any cherry tomatoes...
  5. Pepperhead

    Seacowboy 2013

    Welcome back!  Nice set up, man.  I think I'm going to attempt one DWC next year, just to see if I like it. 
  6. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    So only 3 stragglers left as my "mystery pepper" now has a few pistils showing.  I suspect it's a hab, but we'll see.   I'm going to let one pruned Bubblegum grow out without a second cut so I should get peppers before the end of summer.  The second one I'll clip again to see what kind of growth...
  7. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Here is a comparison of two of my Reaper plants.  Sorry but the first picture is out of focus.     Stinger Reaper     Hab Reaper
  8. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Sorry it's out of focus but you should still be able to make out the stinger on this little Reaper.  
  9. Pepperhead

    harvesting Epson salt , MG tomato plant food , neptunes harvest 2-3-1 , cal mag plus .. Need a feeding schedule

    If you are fruiting and feel the need to use nutes, stay away from anything high in AMMONIACAL Nitrogen.  It blocks calcium and may lead to blossom end rot.  Find something with mainly NITRATE Nitrogen.  The shake and feed tomato MG stuff is high in the former.
  10. Pepperhead

    Epsom salt for calcium deficiency

    I've been getting blossom end rot on my tomatoes and was looking up this same thing.  If you use extra ferts during fruiting, avoid ferts with AMMONIACAL Nitrogen.  I guess it's ok for regular growth, but blocks calcium if your plant is fruiting.  If it has nitrogen make sure there is more...
  11. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Those top ones are Reapers?  Those are really different looking.
  12. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    First Butch T today!  I also have 4 habby reapers and one stingery reaper.  We'll see what the majority are when my others start podding up.
  13. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    Just checked my other plant with pods and the first Reaper pod has a nice little stinger on it.  So either the pod shape stability is inconsistent from plant to plant, or I some how switched a hab for a reaper.  I'm pretty sure I kept good track of my Reapers, though.  I'll post a pic tomorrow. ...
  14. Pepperhead

    sun to much sun?

    I have some that do well with 9 or 10 am to sunset and a couple that don't get sun until 10 or 11.  My bhut gets the later sun, shade all morning and is doing very well.
  15. Pepperhead

    Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

    If you don't have a vacuum sealer close a ziploc bag until there is just enough space to stick a straw through.  Then stick a straw through.  Suck out the air and snap it closed as you pull out the straw.  A vacuum sealer would be much better, but that will do in a pinch.
  16. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

      Crossing my fingers I didn't mislabel it! :doh:     Hopefully they grow true.  I'm more concerned with flavor and heat than shape, but it would be nice for them to get wicked looking.  My big plant is now setting pods so we'll see how those turn out.  I'll post a side by side when they're big...
  17. Pepperhead

    The Secret Life Of Plants

    That's it.  I DVRed it a few weeks ago.  Some interesting ideas to experiment with.  I suspected my tomatoes were "telling each other" to ripen as the ones closest together would ripen pretty close to the same time.  I also suspect they "reach out" to each other because their branches would...
  18. Pepperhead

    vendor Pepper Joe

    Hey Joe,   Just to let you know I had good germination on your Reapers (even had one germinate after being tossed aside for 2 weeks).  Of all I started (9 0r 10 or so) I still have four plants that made it to through my mistakes, two of them just starting to get pods.  Digging all the tomato...
  19. Pepperhead

    vendor burpee

    I had Burpee Habs last year that grew into Hungarian Wax.  I e-mailed them and they sent me some Carribean Red Seeds (I asked that they not send Orange Habs again).  I'm growing them out this year, and look good so far.  Sorry they blew you off, definately bad Customer Service.
  20. Pepperhead

    OMG Turn Effing Red Already!!!

      I was thinking about trying the stress test to ripen, but knew if it worked I would just have a bunch of pods in the freezer until the end of the season. I think I will attempt some patience and let everything get nice and big and red naturally, or at least without my undo intervention.