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  1. Pepperhead

    OMG.. its bleeding...

    I've got two of these plants growing.  One has calyxes that don't appear that big, and the other has one pod so far and the calyx definately appears unusual compared to all my other peppers.
  2. Pepperhead

    seeds Same packet of seeds .. Now 2 different plants!

      I'll do ya one better:  3 Bhut varieties (Red, Orange, Yellow) from 1 ten seed packet.  All I ordered was red.  I love a bonus.  :)
  3. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    After a little research it would appear my seed source for my bhuts sells Red, Yellow, and Orange.  Occam's Razor tells me they all got mixed up into one batch.   Now about my Bubblegums...   I have two 7 pot bubblegum plants, one has several pods on it, but they don't really look like the...
  4. Pepperhead

    So, I'm a Hot Pepper Mavrick

    I have a small bhut plant growing in I think a half gallon or so pot, and it's short but has put out a lot of pods for its size.  Small pods, inch and half, 2 inches, but a lot.
  5. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    So the feeding seems to be helping a little.  Bought some Ironite the other day, we'll see how things look in a week or so, then try that.   Pod color update:  Pods are all the same color as before.  But now I have pics:     Typical color of my red bhuts.  It only reddens a little more after...
  6. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    So about half of my plants have leaves that are turning completely yellow.  With all the rain I have backed off my watering, and as a result backed off the feeding.  This isn't just a few bottom leaves dropping, that I can handle, but the whole plant is just turning pale.  I top dressed a few of...
  7. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    I'm 50/50 on mine. I have 2 plants producing right now, one "true" and one seeds from both, but it shouldn't matter because they were all packed in the same place.
  8. Pepperhead

    Hot Pepper Wine

      The price did seem steep on this one too, although it had a cool fancy bottle.  But for whatever the price was (I don't remember)  Someone in my house had better drink it or find a good use for it.
  9. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

      I think nine days just for first cotys, then I think first flowers for me was at least 4 months.
  10. Pepperhead

    The official TOMATO thread

    So far most of my tomatoes have been splitting, I think from all the rain.  The only varieties that haven't are my Juliets and the new Supersauce.  That supersauce by the way is very tasty, very fleshy, with few seeds.  My favorite so far this year (until I can get one that isn't splitting).
  11. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

      Either way I'd want at least new seeds, if not a refund.
  12. Pepperhead

    Hot Pepper Wine

    A local company here makes a "Hot Pepper Wine".  I considered buying some, but I'm not particularly fond of wine, and my wife isn't that fond of hot peppers.    My question is, has anyone out there seen or tried this?  I'd be willing to try it if I thought it might be good.  Maybe just for...
  13. Pepperhead

    contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

      Um... I have young children and that would be very innappropriate.   Oh, you meant the peppers... :oops:
  14. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    I'll do some new comparison pics tomorrow.  Here are some past pictures for comparison:     Here's a pointy red bhut.  Little bitty.     These are nice and fat and are pretty big.   Not ripened yet, but not hab shaped.  These are my garden "bhuts".  This pic is a few weeks old, but there are...
  15. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    I'll try for pics tomorrow, but I've noticed something that I really can't explain.  I'm sure it's my lack of experience so maybe someone else might be able to help.  Here's the long story:   As explained in several earlier posts, I bought regular bhut seeds from Hippy Seeds last year.  So far I...
  16. Pepperhead

    Scorpions in Pennsylvania

    My area is close to yours, and my red bhuts are much smaller than my yellows.  Genetics related to color, perhaps?
  17. Pepperhead

    contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

    Woo Hoo!  Last place!  Where's my participation trophy?  :D
  18. Pepperhead

    How did our forefathers ever grow anything?

    Breed chickens, guinea fowl, and local species of toad then let them loose in your garden.  That will help with both bug eradication, and some fertilization.  There are a million things that contribute to modern gardening problems, most of them mentioned in posts above.  As an industry...
  19. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

      Are those growing upward?  I would say that is a completely different pepper than a variant.  I don't know how big those are, but they look similar to tobasco or Hungarian Wax that I grew last year.
  20. Pepperhead

    what to do with all my peppers

    The world record for eating the most ghost peppers in 2 minutes is some where in the sixtees.  Get some practice in.  :)