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  1. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Pony Express  
  2. Wustenfuchs

    Greetings from Stowe, VT!

    Welcome Dave! :welcome:
  3. Wustenfuchs

    More Guess it & Get it

    Congrats Walter!   :onfire:
  4. Wustenfuchs

    Hey there.. A north Carolinian

    Welcome Big D! :welcome:
  5. Wustenfuchs

    chinense Mustard Habanero

    I've wondered that myself.  They're such nice looking peppers I would like to give them a try.  I like orange habs so if they are similar tasting that's ok with me.
  6. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Rat race  
  7. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Spit lead  
  8. Wustenfuchs

    food Douglah X 7 Pot SR, Bulgarian Carrot, Jalabenero, Thai hybrid, Tomatillo salsa

    That's some seriously good looking salsa!
  9. Wustenfuchs

    seeds Seedlings Keep Dying

    The Butch T looks baked.
  10. Wustenfuchs

    More Guess it & Get it

    6   Thanks for the chance Judy!
  11. Wustenfuchs

    harvesting First time grower's Harvest

    Oh man that looks fantastic!!  :dance:   The second and third rows from the top, Hot Paper Lanterns?
  12. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Sugar cane  
  13. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Alberta Excited to be here

    Welcome Mel!   :welcome:
  14. Wustenfuchs

    How did you become a chillihead?

    Way back when I was about 7 (1963!) my mom picked up a jar of Del Monte brand pickled yellow peppers.  WOW, I was hooked!!  After that I would always add a jar to the shopping basket.  The crazy part is I would eat an entire 12 oz jar in one sitting, usually hiding in the closet because if my...
  15. Wustenfuchs

    I made Danish News!

    Hey that's awesome!   :dance:
  16. Wustenfuchs

    1-click Vote for Lucky Dog Hot Sauce! (again!)

    Voted!   Lucky Dog Red Label 54.93%  (78 votes     :woohoo:  
  17. Wustenfuchs

    Hello again

    Welcome back Chris!
  18. Wustenfuchs


    Real nice find rhm!