chinense Shabu Shabu Jolokia from Western China

I was really excited to try this one, so a huge thanks to Jedisushi06. Thanks Mikey!!!
It`s a very interesting pepper. The aroma is much stronger, aromatic and more complex than the flavour. This might be the best smelling pepper I`ve ever had the privilege of sticking up my nose   :P
The flavour is excellent. Sweet-ish, a little bit of Naga/Bhut flavour and some green grass freshness. It`s a very balanced flavour that could add to just about any cooking without overpowering the other flavours of the food, which still adding plenty of heat. This is a pretty hot pepper. It`s as hot as any of the other red Naga varieties I`ve had, although I`ve yet to eat a Burmese Naga (later this week, hopefully). 
Make room in your pepper patch for this one, you will  not regret it!!!
im getting some seeds from Jedisushi in a trade so yes this one will be in my arsenal this year LOL
great review 
if your butt has tear ducts its gonna be crying when you pass this one !! LOL :fire: :rofl:
thanks your friend Joe