I'll post when I get home from work...oh and a pic of 1 prince Albert coming up too, haha...
...yeah right...like I could skewer the ole twig and giggles
Is it still forming a head or is it all gone? You could possibly add 1 -2 tsp of molasses to feed them for the brief period until your'e ready to feed. If the head is gone and has been gone for a little while then you probably could still feed it, but the bacterial numbers will be decreased.
Thanks guys, I'll look into the OJ or other citrus juices as well as try an experiment with the orange crush.
Well the reason I am interested in trying to make it is we had eaten at a cajun restaurant on vacation and the owner made an orange crush habanero hot sauce (of course I asked him what...
I did a search on here and didn't really find a recipe so I googled it and got tired of looking through trash..., but does anyone know of, or has made a hot sauce using orange crush soda?
This won't be a sauce I'm goin to sell or pasteurize (maybe) - I just have a large amount of Caribbean red...
It's odd they don't show this for purchase online at petco or petsmart but our local petco has them.
The above link is not the exact one, but looks the damn same - made by Hagen.
I would think so...supposedly it's not necessarily the amount of air per se, but the smaller diameter the air bubbles which increas agitation and oxygen availability with the bacteria.
I'm still using the same 4 cheap blue stones...gotta run to petco or petsmart soon...there's an 8" diameter...
HotPeppas - loving the stick for suspension. How's the next brew going?
Ras - that article is awesome. I may add it to my AACT guide to show how vermicompost AACT's have proven disease suppression.