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  1. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    They are philodendrons (edit) or commonly called elephant ears
  2. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    Have you have ever seen the episode of Family Guy that Peter and the Rooster go round after round until both are bloodied and bruised...   well, I have been watching that episode in real life for almost two years......Jason vs. can never predict who is going to come out victorious...
  3. Lady Sic

    photography Pet picture thread!

    Rico has a few new girlfriends to keep him warm at night.  
  4. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    All barns on the ground  
  5. Lady Sic

    photography Pet picture thread!

    A photo of Jake and Donkey in the early morning fog    
  6. Lady Sic

    2014 I Like It Hot Festival with sicman, and Ladysic

    It was fun! Jeff and guys are the best! So great to have such good friends! Sickmont and cool to meet you and you precious baby! Rocketman....sauces are delicious! I of these days, we WILL have a THP event here!
  7. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    RM......thanks for the sauces.....I've tried two.......yummy! Waiting to open the bacon habapeno!
  8. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    Keeping the dream alive! Siccy's got his work cut out for him, but he's making progress! One old barn down....... Two to go! Good job honey!
  9. Lady Sic

    photography Pet picture thread!

    Yep.......that is pretty much how it went down
  10. Lady Sic

    photography Pet picture thread!

    Crowe. He was a stray. He had "brain surgery" last week, so I guess you could say he is officially a member of the Third Turtle Ranch family
  11. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    Just a thing of beauty!   Transplanting next week......definite purple foliage on some   Photo bombing   Of the nine cuttings, four of them are hanging in there....tenuously.........
  12. Lady Sic

    Heehee......someone said "trippin balls"

    Heehee......someone said "trippin balls"
  13. Lady Sic

    lol to all of you!

    lol to all of you!
  14. Lady Sic

    dogs do the darndest things

    dogs do the darndest things
  15. Lady Sic

    lol....our Lab shut herself in a room, then ate through the door....I was caught in the storm...

    lol....our Lab shut herself in a room, then ate through the door....I was caught in the storm out in the barn....I was out of the house for 15 minutes
  16. Lady Sic

    Should have smelled like pressed flowers with a strong capsaicin pungency. They have a very...

    Should have smelled like pressed flowers with a strong capsaicin pungency. They have a very distinctive, sharp flavor. You could have had a dud
  17. Lady Sic

    happy Anniversary

    happy Anniversary
  18. Lady Sic

    Funny! I just got back from the grocery store. The bag person commented, after bagging some...

    Funny! I just got back from the grocery store. The bag person commented, after bagging some Jalapenos I b ought, decided to inform me that habaneros are the hottest pepper in the the words exited my mouth to correct him, I realized that I have become a pepper snob.....
  19. Lady Sic

    sicman's "Third Turtle Ranch"

    .....took the advice and started some mystery clones. Hope I did it right, and we have results! Here is yet another picture if the seedlings. The mother plant is starting to pod up nicely....
  20. Lady Sic

    food BREAKFAST!!!

    Magic........ For your mouth!