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photography Pet picture thread!

My Ally Bear no longer fits in her chair( and she is still growing fast )  . But she ain't giving up yet  ;)
As much as I love bullies, I'm just a fan of dogs in general, especially the mutts of this world.  I would rescue them all if I had the means to care for them.

My beagle/shar pei mix, Donut, she's the smartest, most well behaved dog I've ever had in my life.  No joke.  She is also setting a good example for our new puppy, who is already trying to imitate all of the commands she has performed in front of him.  With how quickly she learned in this house, I'm expecting him to be an even faster learner.
sorry my last post was kinda uncalled for, yes I like bully breeds.... but I also like dogs in general...some less than others but they're all still good & would never treat any type of dog wrong...like the saying "dog is mans best friend"  though IMO it has to weigh at least 50 lbs to be called a dog.... LOL (sorry) nor would own a dog that doesn't weigh over  50 lbs when a adult
I'm a fan of bigger dogs too, mostly because they're built for rougher play.  But small dogs can also be awesome if trained and socialized properly.  Most small dog owners don't really do that though, unfortunately, which is why there are so many ankle biting f**khead dogs in this world.
JuanHubero said:
I'm a fan of bigger dogs too, mostly because they're built for rougher play.  But small dogs can also be awesome if trained and socialized properly.  Most small dog owners don't really do that though, unfortunately, which is why there are so many ankle biting f**khead dogs in this world.
bigger dogs aren't built for rougher play vs smaller dogs, they were created the same, its the size that allows them to withstand force/or create it.
that's like saying a rat wasn't built for rough play against a elephant.
so true on people not socializing/training their dogs !
its seems most people with smaller dogs think they don't need to do anything about this issue since they own a small dog.....WRONG!!
while most owners (I say most cuz some don't) of larger dog breeds take the time to properly train/socialize the animal, cuz you need too !
the bigger they are the more damage they can do, plain an simple....that little pug is nothing more than a drop kick punt away LOL (j/k I wouldn't do that but you get the point a cross about size)
This is my best friend Rocco! He's supposed to be a shih tzu but actually weighs 25 pounds, and is pure muscle... :lol:

When he was two or three he actually began to have small (non-harmful and possibly epileptic) seizures. He becomes stressed out, barks at nobody, spins around, and bites at his paw. :crazy:  We give him medication that lowers the frequency of it, but it still happens almost every night. He gets excited every day when I get home, and as sliz said earlier, he's my shadow! Love this big Ofe'. :P

It took a few weeks, but Duncan and Donut finally took a nap together side by side.  I was so stoked when this happened yesterday.  They've definitely bonded with one another, with Donut taking a protective, motherly role with her baby brother.

In other pet news, the little guy has more than doubled in size since we got him, and our vet thinks he will end up being in the 60-70 pound range when he's fully grown.  If he ends up even bigger than that, I won't even complain.  I'll just need to make sure he is trained to walk on leash without pulling though, so he doesn't drag my wife and mother-in-law all over the place on walks.  That would be bad, IMO.

The little guy is also proving himself to be a very quick learner of new commands, most likely because he has Donut to learn from.  At only 11 weeks, he already knows Sit, Down, Speak, Off, Come, No, and is working on Dance, Wait and Shake.  He is also doing really well with off leash training, which I never thought I would be doing with such a young puppy.  The more time goes on, the more I'm amazed with his progress.

If this keeps up, once he's fixed and better trained, I think we will begin training him and his sister to become service animals.  With how outgoing the both of them are with new people/children, I think they would really enjoy bringing smiles to people in nursing homes and hospitals.  :cool:
I'd love to have them, but unfortunately they (and some other races of dogs) are forbidden in Denmark because they're "dangerous fighting dogs". :confused: :liar:  I just have to make due with looking at your beautiful dogs :drooling: :P
Nulle said:
I'd love to have them, but unfortunately they (and some other races of dogs) are forbidden in Denmark because they're "dangerous fighting dogs". :confused: :liar:  I just have to make due with looking at your beautiful dogs :drooling: :P
So misunderstand Lina Lou . If they just get rid of all the bad people they would not have to do forbid them  ;)
It is such a shame that there are breed restrictions anywhere in this world.  Any dog can be dangerous if you're an idiot who doesn't train them right, or even worse, you actually train them to be mean.  The problem lies with the owners, never the breed.