I signed up for the Luck of the Irish swap received an awesome package from Aaron. He included a bunch of awesome seeds, some amazing sauce he made and a silver coin for some treasure :) Thanks Aaron!
Tried the sauce and it's Awesome!
I was reading a thread earlier about what you do with all the hot peppers everyone grows and someone talked about making puree and canning it. I was planning on canning this year but thought I could just do a water bath. I'm glad I asked. I want to do roasted peppers, salsa and tomato...
Do you have to use only a pressure canner or is water bath good enough? I'm scared to death of pressure cookers. Had one blow up in the house when I was a kid and haven't touched one since.
GM~ OK that's all good. You're still in the pot so if your name is drawn, you have the choice of the box or I'll send the same to an AnySoldier/Airman/Sailor....if that's OK with you.
If by some divine intervention I should win, please do the same for me PLEASE!!! THANKS!
That's sick! In a good way!
This is my son Cruz :)
https://m.soundcloud.com/chasing-erin/listen-up-rebornGotta go with the OG!