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  1. Pepperhead

    All Things BREAKING BAD related...

    "Say my name."   Best scene ever written for TV.
  2. Pepperhead

    The Secret Life Of Plants

    Just saw a PBS documentary about "plant behavior".  The part about the wild tobacco just blew me away.
  3. Pepperhead

    What is your most useful garden tool?

    I was thinking about getting one of those, but I just know my wife would turn it off while I was watering the garden and it would snap me back across the yard.  :rolleyes:
  4. Pepperhead

    media Jiffy 7's - need fertilizing?

    Keep an eye on those peat pellets.  It seemed like they were either too wet or too dry when I used them.  It was hard to find a happy medium.  I felt much better when everything moved to good soil.
  5. Pepperhead

    Something is eating my plants

      I might actually try that.  I need to do a night op to try to catch whatever buggers have been eating my butches, 7 pots and Brain Strains.  I call that my "Gilbert Grape" section.       Anyone?  Anyone?
  6. Pepperhead

    Pepper Variety Confirmation

    I love the grooves on those habs.  Not sure I've seen habs quite like that. 
  7. Pepperhead

    Bubblegum 7 ??????? Bjarne's

    Wow.  When I recieved a few of these seeds from MegaSpokaneman a few months back, I didn't realize this was gonna be one of the new popular varieties this year.  Hope mine pod up soon.
  8. Pepperhead

    Jeff's glog 2013- Season is over.

      I grew some Burpee "habaneros" last year that turned out to be Hungarian Wax.  They all started growing upwards, although they weren't as pointy as yours.
  9. Pepperhead


      I used straight topsoil last year with ok results, but remixed it with peat, perlite and a mix of nutes and have had better luck in my buckets this year.  Since we're posting porn:     This is my most productive plant, a Bhut thats big and podding up like crazy.     My number two is this...
  10. Pepperhead

    chinense Looks like we had the same idea today. My Reaper Review

    You reviewers just aren't human!  :shocked:   I'll maybe try one of the several varieties I'm growing this year, but I guarantee it will be a complete wussyfest from start to finish.
  11. Pepperhead

    OMG.. its bleeding...

    Wow.  I have a couple of these plants, though not as big and leafy as yours, and no buds yet.  Now I'm wicked excited for it to pod up!
  12. Pepperhead

    3-Sided Wedge-Shaped Naga X

    This is my first year with Dorsets, and now that I look it is kind of wedge-ish.         I hope I get some mature ones as big as some of the y'alls!
  13. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    My big Reaper is finally putting out pods.  That leaves Brain Strain, Butch T, and 7 Pots (which hate me) as my only slackers.  I'm going to head to Southern States or my local big box store on Monday to pick up some Perlite and compost and try to fill some more buckets so I can finally get my...
  14. Pepperhead

    OMG Turn Effing Red Already!!!

    I'm no scientist, but this makes a lot of sense. If the plant perceives it's seeds are being eaten, it might stimulate it to start ripening so the seeds would be ready for distribution. To carry it a step further, nearby plants might also recieve the chemical signals and may start to ripen as...
  15. Pepperhead

    is this plant done for or saveable?

    I have a reaper that fell on the ground and dried out over 2 days.  When I righted it and watered it all the leaves fell off.  I took care of it, watered, added nutes and it's on it's way back with plenty of new leaf growth.  Two weeks ago it was just a stick.  I think I might even get pods from...
  16. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Just had to adjust my watering.  It's been pretty wet here, but everything seems to be making it.  Plants are podding up nicely, got some tomatoes ripening.  Pumpkins and watermelons starting to blow up.  Life's been good, other than the whole world outside my little garden.
  17. Pepperhead

    first tomato grow

    Yeah, but most people look at a tomato as an upward growing plant (like a pepper) as opposed to a vine (which is what it really is).
  18. Pepperhead

    The official TOMATO thread

    An update on my spindly, sickly black tomato:  It looks much healthier with more tomatoes.  It's still skinny but the leaves look much healthier and it's almost as tall as I am. I've been using a new nute regimen for about 2 weeks, and while I couldn't swear that that's what fixed it, I see no...
  19. Pepperhead

    water How much water for a 5 gallon nursery pot ??

    I water when they wilt or for adding nutes.  I grow in 5 gallon buckets and give them just enough water to perk them up, usually roughly a half gallon each.  
  20. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    First Reaper Pods!     My bigger plant still has none.  I've got a scrawny stick one that fell over and dried out for a few days, but now its coming back.  On an interesting note, I found one today I didn't even know I had.