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  1. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    70 degrees today so i'm going to try to play my course if i can get greenhouse work done. whispering pines was super tight when we played it but it was new then too so may have opened up a bit. there are some really cool holes there as well as a few with no real route imo.
  2. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    sidearm- keep your elbow in close to your body.
  3. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    my bag: 2 aviar 2 roc 2 leopard 2 wraith 1 max 1 destroyer 1 boss 1 piranha you guys are getting me psyched over disc golf- i may have to play a couple pdga events before farmer's market season gets going.
  4. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    the guy who runs vibram's disc venture used to live here, i've known him for years. i was one of vibram's testers for their discs for a while. they would send me a couple of whatever was new before it came out and i would throw them a bit and offer feedback. they have 4 different putters- VP...
  5. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    floral is a good one- it's where deanne and i usually play when we're in brooksville. whispering pines in inverness (i think?) is the next one up the road that way- it's all wooded and will remind you more of the tennessee stuff i'd guess-very tight. the roadie to ocala for ocala greenway is...
  6. biscgolf


    me too- i've got plenty...
  7. biscgolf

    Listing Ingredients - hot pepper names

    ^i agree.
  8. biscgolf

    Farmer's Market

    no asociations involved in any of the markets i have sold at (4) or have researched (a lot)- all require you to carry liability insurance and to list them as co-insured. i wouldn't want to sell to the public without liability insurance anyway. seasonal fees range from $150 to $600 depending on...
  9. biscgolf

    Farmer's Market

    imo turning it into a craft fair or allowing vendors to sell product they didn't produce both subvert the entire purpose of a farmer's market.
  10. biscgolf

    Farmer's Market

    the USDA owns the term "organic"- unless you have paid for certification to rent the term from them you can't use it. i call my stuff "chemical free" and it works out just fine. we have USDA folks through our local markets all the time as they have a large office nearby. $500 a day to vend is...
  11. biscgolf

    Farmer's Market

    actually yes, we sell a lot of plants each spring/early summer. heirloom tomatoes and herbs are what move the best for me in that respect.
  12. biscgolf

    Farmer's Market

    peppers in general are not a huge moneymaker at the markets... they work great to draw people's attention to your stand though. i sold way more aji dulce's last year than any other variety because our local Puerto Rican community learned that i had them and no one else had them. my primary...
  13. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    i played with marc jarvis in a tournament in vegas years ago when i was still "good" - those boys are freaks of nature. if you ever meet a guy named dave devine playing in san diego give him my regards.
  14. biscgolf

    Farmer's Market

    i sell a fair amount of them at the markets... i label them as superhot and tell noobie buyers that "they are not a toy" but that's about it. i've been selling superhots at market for 3 years now and have had no problems.
  15. biscgolf

    disc golf!

    i've been heavily involved in it for years... i own one of the top rated courses in the world (Hawk Hollow) and have played all over the place. used to own a disc golf equipment and apparel company as well. i don't play nearly as much as i used to- a couple of times a month at this point.
  16. biscgolf

    favorite What are your favorite chocolate chiles?

    long chocolate habanero and black stinger are both delicious.
  17. biscgolf

    hot-sauce What do you do about sauces going bad with age?

    color change does not always signal that they have gone bad, particularly sauces that are almost all vinegar and peppers. tabasco is way better after it gets "brown".
  18. biscgolf

    Bleach solution for sterilizing pots

    doesn't take much bleach at all- as our state ag inspector told me "if you can smell the bleach you are using too much"
  19. biscgolf

    Closed- SFRB Fresh 7 Pot Pods

    hmmm... if there are no takers by tomorrow morning then into the dehydrator they go...
  20. biscgolf

    Closed- SFRB Fresh 7 Pot Pods

    a few pods have ripened on some overwintered plants in the greenhouse. 7 pot red, 7 pot yellow, 7 pot brown and a red douglah or two. one box available $26 shipped - continental U.S. only, paypal only. post here to reserve and pm me for paypal info.