Thanks for the info, I love locals! The plants I got from him were Jigsaw and I have a hell of a time finding them for sale live from anywhere. I looked at her site and didn't see it listed, but did see a couple of other varieties that I had been wanting but didn't pull the trigger on this...
Based on what I see the last couple of pages, I'd say I tend to lean towards more hard core rock than most here other than hogleg. Current favorite is a lighter one:
And now the good stuff:
Yipes! I ordered some live plants from him that showed up when promised (a week or so ago) but had failed to really check him out before placing the order. I had one of the 3 plants shipped die less than 24 hours after opening the package, but the other two have done well under my care...
I have been making smoothies a bunch lately. We used to alternate between almond and coconut milk but we have recently found the wonderfulness that is Almond Coconut Blend by Silk. Highly recommend trying it out!
Ha ha! Let's just say I have *a little* experience with magic beans. Not active experience at the moment but we'll expand on that when they become legal in Texas (HAHAHAHAHA :rofl:).
I used a 2 mil HDX painters tarp/drop cloth that was about $3 from Home Depot that worked great for the amount...
7.5 cubic feet of plain 'ol organic potting soil from local garden center.
1.5 cubic feet composted cow manure
3 cubic feet composted peat humus
2.5 cubic feet perlite
Mix looked good when I was finished with it but MAN! SO SORE ALREADY! Filled up 10 7 gallon Smart Pots and almost got a 15...
Lol... With today's cart being so full we had a "management" lady rush to us at the register to offer a membership upgrade. That's when you know you've spent too much!
Pretty good timing for your order too because they took $1.50 off all their live plants staring 5/28 through June. Hope your experience with them goes better than the other!
I haven't followed ammo prices since I hurt my shoulder late 2012 and couldn't do any shooting for awhile, but what's with the price increase on this stuff? I do remember seeing a box of Remington Golden Value Pack 525 cartridges for $20 or so at the Academy near me about a month ago.