Search results

  1. Tex

    pepper harvester looking for work. ..will work for peppers

    pepper harvester looking for work. ..will work for peppers
  2. Tex

    What is the best fertilizer for young plants

    What is the best fertilizer for young plants
  3. Tex

    I need to find a new job anyone hiring

    I need to find a new job anyone hiring
  4. Tex

    video 4/27/15 Video Update

    Very nice
  5. Tex

    Sickem boys

    Sickem boys
  6. Tex

    First Attempt to grow peppers glog

    I ordered from e bay last year not one was what it was supposed to be very disappointed
  7. Tex

    Death strain seeds for sale now!

    Now I'm sad I wanted seeds
  8. Tex

    Thank you all means a lot too me

    Thank you all means a lot too me
  9. Tex

    well my grandmother passed away Friday her funeral was today we went to the funeral home and...

    well my grandmother passed away Friday her funeral was today we went to the funeral home and as I went to get in to the car to go too the cemetery boom I locked the keys in the car had too call pop a lock took them 40 minutes to get there all most mist the whole thing
  10. Tex

    Hello friends I am looking for pink tiger seeds willing to trade good for them

    Hello friends I am looking for pink tiger seeds willing to trade good for them
  11. Tex

    you guys are freaks :)

    you guys are freaks :)
  12. Tex

    Stupid question ...but?

    I just ate a yellow devils Tongue with my pork chop I loved the flavor and the heat.. last year I ate a whole Carolina reaper and wow what a unique taste it was great
  13. Tex

    vendor Review: The Hot Pepper members.

    You said it all brother
  14. Tex


    Looks good to me :)
  15. Tex

    All the time

    All the time
  16. Tex

    got My green house setup not as big as I wanted to make it but it's perfect for now :)

    got My green house setup not as big as I wanted to make it but it's perfect for now :)
  17. Tex

    Last year I thought lady bugs were a bad thing I was always picking them off my plants I didn't...

    Last year I thought lady bugs were a bad thing I was always picking them off my plants I didn't know that they ate afids