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Time to clear out the freezer a bit.  Made a quick Zhug, inspired by a hankerin' for shawarma and this post http://thehotpepper.com/topic/3916-skhug/
-A dozen or so assorted chilis.  I used some large thick cayenne, bishops crown, and some mystery chinenses for a mix of hot and not so hot.
-Big fistful of cilantro
-One head of garlic
-1 Tbsp Cumin seeds
-A hearty pour of extra virgin olive oil
-One lemon, juiced
-Salt and pepper to taste
Half and de-seed

Mix and blend with other ingredients

Not bad.

Was hoping it would turn out a bit more of a brick-red like the stuff from shawarma places, but it tastes pretty good.
Interesting recipe and results!  Sort of like a chimi churri only with peppers.  I think it would be nice spread on crackers with some sharp cheddar.  Nice post :)