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  1. mido

    Trinidad Scorpion Seeds Available

    Do you not ship outside US period or do you not ship outside the US and cover the shipping costs ?
  2. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Hi Miek, yes for quite some time now, you have found it to. Have you found AISPES to?
  3. mido

    Mido's peppers

    7 Pod Long Bhut Jolokia Purple (stage 1 colour purple) Bhut Jolokia Purple (purple, green, orange, red) Bhut Jolokia Purple (stage 3 colour is orange) Bhut Jolokia Purple (ripe, red)
  4. mido

    Mido's peppers

    (Due to server issues repost) Some new pictures Habalokia Peach Etna Criolla Sella Aji Omnicolor Bhut Jolokia Choco Trinidad Scorpion Yellow SR Strain Naga Big Bang Habalokia Chocolate
  5. mido

    Happy Birthday AJ!

    Happ Birthday and have a great day :woohoo:
  6. mido

    Offering Infinity seeds

    Colour and heat is stable as far as I can tell. Apperance is not. There are two shapes, 7 pod shaped and Trinadad Scorpion shaped. But I have understood that 7 pods and Scorpions are always inconsistant shape wise.
  7. mido

    Offering Infinity seeds

    The first batch of Infinity seeds are ready and I have 18 times 10 seeds available. If interested send me a PM and I will give you details how to order online. These seeds come from isolated grown plants.
  8. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Extracted the first Infinity seeds today, whoa the smell only :mouthonfire: there is a lot of capsacine oil in these peppers.
  9. mido

    Madhatter's 2011 garden

    Great picture's Yann and some beautifull varieties there you must be proud.
  10. mido

    Getting ready to start a new season

    Grant, I've sent you a PM and a email with attachement.
  11. mido


    +1 on the choco bhut allthough a bit on the red side maybe it is just te picture
  12. mido

    Torno 2011 Grow

    I have found some 30% H202 and should be good to use. Now I see on the label it says "add to nutrient tank every 3-5 days. So it is safe to mixed with with other nutrients something like chilli focus?
  13. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Yes I have some ripe pods here and there. But no ripe white hybrids yet. I think maybe another 2 weeks but will let you know as soon as the first one ripens. Did you get my email from last monday by the way?
  14. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Criolla Sella Aji Omnicolor Habalokia peach Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Mystery pepper, was sold to me as Thai Orange. Plant and leaves suggest annuum.
  15. mido

    wanted Looking for Brains

    Sure but as one of the stories goes it is a cross between a 7 pod and a scorpion and it is not stable yet I think the pictures tell the story. I could be wrong.
  16. mido

    Mido's peppers

    I have a few Infinities growing and there are 2 pod shapes sometimes even on the same plant. If it was my call I would say one is a 7 pod like shape and the other a scorpion kinda shape. Now judge for your self: These pods hang on the same plant.
  17. mido

    wanted Looking for Brains

    I'm not sure if it is at all possible but maybe I can try to select one shape and take some seeds of a pod that resembles the shape I want and stablize it in a couple of years. How does this work. Stablize by selecting the desired shape year after year?
  18. mido

    wanted Looking for Brains

    I have a few Infinities growing and there are 2 pod shapes sometimes even on the same plant. If it was my call I would say one is a 7 pod like shape and the other a scorpion kinda shape. Now judge for your self: These pods hang on the same plant.
  19. mido

    Torno 2011 Grow

    Thanks this is a great help.
  20. mido

    Self Pollination Necessary?

    Does anyone know what "too hot"is. And ofcourse there is also to cold. What is the ideal temperature for flowers to polinate. I also understand there can be certain peppers that do well at high temp and others that don't. I have heard from a friend that one pepper produced high yields in a...