Finally after a brutally busy spring season at my webshop it is slowing down a bit and I have the time to start a Glog.
For those that don't know me as I haven't posted in maybe 6 months, I'm mido or Wouter in real life and I'm from the netherlands. I grow peppers in a 12 meter long plastic...
Long time that I posted here.
Things realy slowed down during the winter but I have sowed my first round of peppers already.
Also in 2011 I started up a Dutch Pepper Forum that realy took off.
Now the reason for this post is that we have a new project that we started on our Dutch Forum "The...
Besides being realy big I didn't think much, I was cutting so much peppers, also Infinities I was wearing a mask to prevent from gowing crazy and sneazing like mad :rofl:
Probably my last outdoor harvest of the season:
Top row: Habalokia brown - Infinity - Trindidad Scorpion Large - Trinidad Scorpion yellow SR Strain - 7 Pod Yellow - Naga Jolokia Purple - Naga Morich
second row: Bhut Jolokia - 7 Pod Long - Aji Omnicolor - Jumbo Jalapeno - Habanero Tasmanian -...
Close ups from my last outdoor harvest:
Bhut Jolokia Choco
Another Bhut Jolokia Choco
Bhut Jolokia
Another Bhut Jolokia
7 Pod Long Choco
7 Pod Long (red)
I don't know if we are talking about dry cocos or cocosmilk, I was gonna use Santen which is dried cocosmilk, it is a product used in the Malaysian Kitchen.
If I understand right the cocos milk will seperate and the milk will floot to the top and will spoil.
I'm just starting to develope a...
I was lead to understand just recently that coconut will make preserving your sauce very difficult because it acts like a milk product. It is difficult to explain when English is not your native tongue.
Maybe someone else knows what I mean.
Never the less someone told me when I was asking...
The first two:
1 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion sauce
2 Infinity sauce
Verry happy with this Yellow Scorp sauce, just need to tweak it a little bit.
Not realy happy about the Infinity sauce, back to the drowing board.
I'm working on a yellow sweet pepper sauce. I have some Lemon Drops, Criolla Sella's and Trinidad Scorpion Yellow SR in it now.
I'm not sure if it is any good jet.