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  1. mido

    Mido's 2012

    Finally after a brutally busy spring season at my webshop it is slowing down a bit and I have the time to start a Glog. For those that don't know me as I haven't posted in maybe 6 months, I'm mido or Wouter in real life and I'm from the netherlands. I grow peppers in a 12 meter long plastic...
  2. mido

    The Aji Project

    All varieties commonly known as Aji ..... Suchs as Aji Amarillo (so C)
  3. mido

    The Aji Project

    PM sent my Friend!
  4. mido

    The Aji Project

    Long time that I posted here. Things realy slowed down during the winter but I have sowed my first round of peppers already. Also in 2011 I started up a Dutch Pepper Forum that realy took off. Now the reason for this post is that we have a new project that we started on our Dutch Forum "The...
  5. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Woeps double post
  6. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Besides being realy big I didn't think much, I was cutting so much peppers, also Infinities I was wearing a mask to prevent from gowing crazy and sneazing like mad :rofl:
  7. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Probably my last outdoor harvest of the season: Top row: Habalokia brown - Infinity - Trindidad Scorpion Large - Trinidad Scorpion yellow SR Strain - 7 Pod Yellow - Naga Jolokia Purple - Naga Morich second row: Bhut Jolokia - 7 Pod Long - Aji Omnicolor - Jumbo Jalapeno - Habanero Tasmanian -...
  8. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Continue: Habalokia Choco Another Habalokia Choco Habalokia Yellow Cheoung Yang 7 Pod Jonah Trinidad Scorpion Large
  9. mido

    Mido's peppers

    Close ups from my last outdoor harvest: Bhut Jolokia Choco Another Bhut Jolokia Choco Bhut Jolokia Another Bhut Jolokia 7 Pod Long Choco 7 Pod Long (red)
  10. mido

    Coconut rum choco 7's

    I don't know if we are talking about dry cocos or cocosmilk, I was gonna use Santen which is dried cocosmilk, it is a product used in the Malaysian Kitchen. If I understand right the cocos milk will seperate and the milk will floot to the top and will spoil. I'm just starting to develope a...
  11. mido

    Coconut rum choco 7's

    I was lead to understand just recently that coconut will make preserving your sauce very difficult because it acts like a milk product. It is difficult to explain when English is not your native tongue. Maybe someone else knows what I mean. Never the less someone told me when I was asking...
  12. mido

    free Aji Cito seeds Free For SASBE

    Great offer, I'll be keeping this in mind for the 2013 season as 2012 is already filled completly. Nice offer Slowrolling
  13. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    During making the sauce and one day after with some Vietnames eggrolls. I'll give it a couple of weeks and try again. Thanks for the good advise
  14. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    You have a message
  15. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    I'm working on a line of hot sauces to sell Rodrigo.
  16. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    The first two: 1 Yellow Trinidad Scorpion sauce 2 Infinity sauce Verry happy with this Yellow Scorp sauce, just need to tweak it a little bit. Not realy happy about the Infinity sauce, back to the drowing board.
  17. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    Yes you are quit right there, it is just a matter of getting it right tasting and tweaking untill happy.
  18. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    Also I wanna try a Sweet chili sauce with soem Infinity pepper in it.
  19. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    I'm working on a yellow sweet pepper sauce. I have some Lemon Drops, Criolla Sella's and Trinidad Scorpion Yellow SR in it now. I'm not sure if it is any good jet.
  20. mido

    Let's make some sauce

    First step: bottle's and jars: To be continued