Ive read a couple articles that Bhuts are related to 7 pots. There are many ties between T&T and India from Slavery in the 1800's and it is though 7 pods as we call them where brought back to India. Just what iv'e read and it makes sense.
As Ultrazelda said the JHC has more of a red tinge to it. Found the chocolate hab much more productive. Pictures of both below from my garden a couple years ago
Chocolate hab
Jamaican hot chocolate
I would say so in my opinion but are both so hot. Other members have tested them and find them to be one of the hottest if not the hottest. But everyones different.
Looking great Patrick. That Jonah cross is really cool!. Ive got the primo 7 going too and love it. Gnarliest pepper ive seen to date. Your Madballz is looking great too and Mine is identical to yours and BTW they turn a rusty red.