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Capitone's 2011 Grow: North Carolina

Oh wow. Lots of central nc folks.
I'm in holly springs, so just down the road.

I started mine in march indoors in cups, following the advice of people here. They are in pots and raised beds now. Just starting to get the earlier peppers coming in. I will have to post some pictures too.
Djs - heck yeah! I'll part with a few pods for any true chilli head. We can do seeds too! What are you growing? If you pics, post em in a thread. We could some more NC folks on THP :)

Dragon - I've been really curious about these lemon drops. I've been told Fatalii's have a citrus flavor to them, but that hasn't been my experience thus far so well see about these lemon drops.

Man, this is hands down the most interesting season to date! Loving it.
Hey there Ianv. Thanks Man. Curious to know when did you start yours? Are they in the ground or pots? I started all of mine early, so that may be why. A good head start goes a long ways!

I had a late start on my plants. They did not germinate till the first of April. I had plans of planting most of my plants in my garden, with bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, but unfortunately the garden caught a case of the black spot fungus. I'm too scared to plant them in the garden now, so I'm going to keep them in pots.

How early did you start your plants? I'll definetly start earlier next year!
Wow the plants look great. I just moved to Raleigh at the end of January from Miami. I had started my plants in Miami, but had a hell of a setback when I moved up this way. It was a major shock for my plants. They are growing but no where near your level. I have Butch T, Choc Bhut, assam bhut, yellow bhut, yellow rocoto, aji amarillo, lemon drop, brain strain, trinidad perfume. All came from the good folks here on THP. I'll post pics when they all get a lil bigger. I'm still trying to settle in to the area. Good to know there are some chileheads here in Raleigh NC though!
konshus - Welcome to NC. I can certainly imagine the change from Miami to Raleigh climate being quite the adjustment for your plants. Are they still in pots? Did you try to keep them outside when you arrived? Just curious. The lemon drop, Trini Perfume seem to do just fine and my Bih jolokia for the most part, grows itself. I'm sure you'll see this soon enough with your plants, sounds like they got a good headstart as well.

Ianv - I started most of mine in January (indoors). The fungus thing sucks, but growing in pots ain't bad all.

Anyon in NC growing any Datil? Thats one I've been wanting to try too, but all the seeds I got for it were a bust this year so if anyone's got it, I'd love to trade a few pods!
konshus - Welcome to NC. I can certainly imagine the change from Miami to Raleigh climate being quite the adjustment for your plants. Are they still in pots? Did you try to keep them outside when you arrived? Just curious. The lemon drop, Trini Perfume seem to do just fine and my Bih jolokia for the most part, grows itself. I'm sure you'll see this soon enough with your plants, sounds like they got a good headstart as well.

Ianv - I started most of mine in January (indoors). The fungus thing sucks, but growing in pots ain't bad all.

Anyon in NC growing any Datil? Thats one I've been wanting to try too, but all the seeds I got for it were a bust this year so if anyone's got it, I'd love to trade a few pods!

I have 7 Datil plants here in Statesville, NC that are just now setting fruit. Expecting ripe pods in 4-6 weeks, stay in touch! I love to trade.

I would post pics, but my camera is on the fritz. :[ Hope to have a backup in a few weeks.

Half off my Bih Jolokia is fully ripe!

Foodarama and 7pot are starting to ripen.

TFM and Lemon drop both look like there going to start the process any day now.

Trini Scorp Is begining to set pods.

Lost about 10 dang on pods to mighty whip of my dogs tail :tear: ...green as they were, they tasted WAAAAy better then the 1st pod I tried on this plant. If I can keep the dog damage to a minimum, this may turn out to be a winner.

Harvested all the peppers on my fatalii and 3 more have filled in since then. Hoping for an explosion of flowers for more peppers in the next few weeks. Feeding fish emulsions. We'll see!
Got the camera running for a bit. It still ended up going kaput but not before I got these loaded.




Bih Jolokia

Lemon Drop - shade of green has lightened up, so I think there about to turn.



7 Pod

Update: Camera is done, so I’ve been reduced to using my cell phone for pics.

Foodarama: Bit of a disappointment this year. Good producer, but not as much SB flavor as I would have liked. Reminds me of a really fruity orange hab.



TFM: A little more SB flavor to this one. Will grow again next year.



7pot: Cool looking plant with really good flavor that Im trying to pin down. Definate regrow for next year.


Scorpions: Pods have set and it’s still starting new ones. Waiting for them to ripen.


Thanks MH. The TFM has provided surprising output too. The pic was taken after I cleaved about 10 ripe pods off of it. Very pleased with it in general. Decent SB flavor, still not as pronounced as I would like but you definately know your not eating a hab. It makes the cut for 2012.
Very nice assortment!
Are they all in pots?


And yes, every single one of them. I did manage to stuff an after thought into the ground "just to see" (Fresno) and I'm glad I did, because it's the sorriest looking plant I own. Good to know come next season. Without any real yard to exploit, pots are the best I can do for now.
You and me both partner.
My yard flooded 2 yr back and ruined my garden now im scared to put them in the ground out here.
buckets to the rescue. lol
Your plants look awesome keep it up man.
You and me both partner.
My yard flooded 2 yr back and ruined my garden now im scared to put them in the ground out here.
buckets to the rescue. lol
Your plants look awesome keep it up man.

+1 Pot(s)........that's the way I do it since my yard's mostly landscaping pavers and not much soil which is dedicated to flowers. Just a side note, a friend of mine planted in the ground last year next to his neighbors garage and the structure had termites, so the neighbor had the garage foundation drilled and sprayed with a potent 10 yr. pesticide, needless-to-say the ground around the perimeter was saturated with dangerous chemicals which leached into the soil. His vegetable plants started to turn shades of brown and eventually died off. He now grows in containers........