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  1. origamiRN

    Hello from North Texas!

    Welcome from Anchorage, AK! I just left Dallas a few weeks ago....I wanted to go somewhere warmer. :lol:
  2. origamiRN

    trade Seeds for trade or for free

    PM your address to me, and I'll send you a few seeds
  3. origamiRN

    AJs 2011 Scorpion Project Plant

    Because of all of my traveling, I usually keep some plants inside, but in smaller containers. The single biggest difficulty I've had in getting them to produce is flower drop. Looking good. What will you be fertilizing with?
  4. origamiRN

    Need Volunteers part deux

    I think your project is a GREAT idea, and I wish you success. I wish I was able to help you, but my growing this season will probably be limited to what I can grow indoors.
  5. origamiRN

    wanted Want to buy 7 pod brain strain

    People who have the brain strain seeds, like to keep them. They are difficult to germinate, and challenging to grow. If you're still looking, I will send you the seeds I have with me(4). Just send an email with your address. I just moved to Anchorage, and will probably not have much of a garden...
  6. origamiRN

    7Sauce (molho)

    Good to see you back. Glad to see you are ok. I sent you an email, as your PMs are full. Hope I can talk you out of a few seeds. What other varieties did you get?
  7. origamiRN

    US seed trading parcel

    Received the package. Great seeds inside.
  8. origamiRN

    overwintering Single bedroom apartment winter pepper growing

    What varieties are you growing?
  9. origamiRN

    chinense Is a Naga Viper hotter than a Bhut

    I can't describe it in words, but I think that the 7Pot (original) has a unique taste to it, and is better tasting than the other super hots. just my 2 cents.
  10. origamiRN

    Pepper Identity ...

    There's a pepper from Guam called goonies. That's as close as I can think of off the top of my head.
  11. origamiRN


    Welcome from Dallas, TX :welcome:
  12. origamiRN

    Making powder

    I have 2 coffee grinders. The cheap one is for coffee. The nicer one is for peppers. The nice one has a dial on it that corresponds to the amount of coffee being grounded, and either turns my peppers into flakes, or powder.
  13. origamiRN

    true datil seeds

    Hope this helps
  14. origamiRN

    for-sale Super Hot Pepper Powders for Sale

    Awesome!!! I'm in for 2 ounces. email sent.
  15. origamiRN

    Another grow thread..

    Congratulations!!! :dance:
  16. origamiRN

    Gondaliya Marcha

    Sounds like an interesting pepper. I'd like to know more.
  17. origamiRN

    JungleRain's 2010/2011 season

    1. What are you doing for your neck? Have you seen a physical therapist? 2. Those hybrids are amazing. Do you make your own crosses?
  18. origamiRN

    The Dynamic world of the British CURRY.

    I eat curry dishes every week. Last week I made a big pot of Dal, and have been eating it every night for dinner. I agree with American restaurants not making meals very spicy. I think they are afraid to.