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  1. mikeinsc

    Kickstarter question

    Thanks SL, I will look into the padded envelopes. I initially dismissed those because the SFRB's and packing peanuts I get for free and offer a bit of crush resistance. I might do a test and send some pens to a friend of mine just to see if they hold up.     Elite, that would indeed be my...
  2. mikeinsc

    Kickstarter question

    I've started a project on kickstarter for the pens that I make. I'm using it as a way to hopefully move some of the pens I make. It's a simple project, nothing fancy. And before you ask, yes, I've been trying to figure out a way to make a pepper pen. But that isn't why I'm posting this. I'm...
  3. mikeinsc

    nutrients Anyone Using mhpgardener's DIY Hydro Nutes?

    I have been wanting to reply for a few weeks now but I keep forgetting. I started out with 5 plants in hydro, lost two when I went to 5 gallon buckets and lost another when the ice storm took out power for 3 days. The house was 40 degrees for a while. So I'm left with two Bhuts using...
  4. mikeinsc

    Venus fly traps in hydroponics?

    I believe it's still illegal to remove them from the wild around here in Charleston, i know of a few places where the pitchers and sundews grow nicely. They can be found online too. I see them every year when I go to the trade shows. Look up the Green n Growing show in Greensboro, NC. They...
  5. mikeinsc

    Will Black Krim/Black Cherry tomatoes grow fine without a cage?

    Black Cherry is my favorite cherry tomato. I've always, except last year, had vigorous growth that has overrun even the big cages. I've experienced very dense growth with it that required frequent pruning and have learned to stick to one main vine and limit the branching.
  6. mikeinsc

    health Help identifying spots on a Serrano plant's leaves

    No need to remove them. It's a physical problem only. What happens is that the plants take in more water than it can get rid of so the cells swell and sometimes burst. If corrected, it won't hurt the plant but it does look unsightly.
  7. mikeinsc

    better way to keep plants small than pruning?

    As was already mentioned cut back on water and fertilizers. Cool temps also hold back growth. It's a technique commonly used in commercial nurseries especially before the plants are shipped to the stores. It keeps the growth down and the plants compact so that they look nice and meet certain...
  8. mikeinsc

    health Help identifying spots on a Serrano plant's leaves

    Looks like edema to me as well. Reduce your watering schedule and increase airflow around the plants if indoors. Also know that the current damage will not heal itself because the cells are damaged. But keep an eye on the new growth as that will give you the best evidence that changes you make...
  9. mikeinsc

    typical weather year round in SOUTH CAROLINA

    I believe Ed Currie lives between Columbia and Rock Hill. If that's true, it gets a lot colder that far west in the state. Increased chance of snow and so forth.
  10. mikeinsc

    typical weather year round in SOUTH CAROLINA

    Well, you'll get the NASCAR crowds for Darlington raceway, always a treat. Weather is slightly different but overall pretty close. Florence is right on the next climate zone, gets cooler sooner and it may be my imagination but it seems that its also on the line for weather fronts passing through...
  11. mikeinsc

    Bhuts and jelly

    Bhut puree, sugar, vinegar and pectin. I keep it simple.
  12. mikeinsc

    typical weather year round in SOUTH CAROLINA

    My home is Charleston. My mom still has ornamentals that are alive and unaffected. She has lots of live oaks to keep some heat in and to block wind. My property is wide open and lost any plants in the ground about 6 weeks ago. The ones I do have left are doing the garage shuffle...
  13. mikeinsc

    Bhuts and jelly

    Only Bhut. I don't think it'd be right to advertise it as bhut and have it mostly something else plus bhuts.
  14. mikeinsc

    Bhuts and jelly

    I will be making a frame from some scrap walnut this week. I hope the dozens and dozens of given away jars and 9 pretty solid flavor options just might start to pay off and help graise money for the pepper farm.
  15. mikeinsc

    Bhuts and jelly

    Sarge, It's a jelly. Or Jam. Since horticulturally speaking a pepper is a fruit and jam has tiny bits of fruit in it, then this would, by definition, be a jam. However, Pepper Jam isn't in the common language whereas Pepper Jelly is. Thank you SL. ;)
  16. mikeinsc

    Bhuts and jelly

    I've officially made the first buck from my Ghost Pepper Jelly. My friend bought a few jars and within a few days, I've sold more and have more wanting to buy as well. So that's quite exciting. So to support future jellies, pickles and hot sauces, I am already starting seed for 2014...
  17. mikeinsc

    nutrients Anyone Using mhpgardener's DIY Hydro Nutes?

    The Philippines? As in the place that makes a favorite food of mine, Lumpia? I have a recipe for lumpia that I keep in a safe. Love, love, love the stuff. Good luck on the grow. Getting some fertilizer from the States might be too expensive. The smallest they have, I think, is 5 pounds. But...
  18. mikeinsc

    best producing chinense?

    Ehh, didn't recall that Lemon Drops were in the bacatuums. Its still junk though.
  19. mikeinsc


    Yellow sticky cards. Google it if you're not familiar with them and you'll find plenty of purveyors.
  20. mikeinsc

    best producing chinense?

    My best producer is the Paper Lantern Hab. Meaty, good flavor and consistently produced. Those and Bhut Jolokias will be my main crop this year. For shear volume, the White Bullet Hab put out the most. A very compact plant and very pretty when it magically loads up with hundreds of pods that...