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  1. zantrax

    How Cold is too Cold?

    I am near Toronto and I managed to have my peppers out until just before Halloween. The leaves all were wilting, and they all looked like they were dead.The temp was hovering around 5C/41F and dipping to 2C/35F for over a week.  I re-potted the 10 plants I wanted to keep and cut them back and...
  2. zantrax

    seeds Is this normal Carolina Reaper Seedlings

    This is common, it happened to some of my seedlings last year. I had a 5 cfl setup and a few seedlings were too close to the bulbs, they grew fine. I just moved the lights further away.
  3. zantrax

    seeds Best way to label seeds

    I use coin envelopes from staples, I also drop in some silica jell packets to keep them dry  
  4. zantrax

    Anyone have a good wholesale site?

    Definitely ask a local landscaper, when I have planting jobs I end up with tons of pots that I either have to pay to dump up the street or stockpile them to get a load worth the 30 min drive to the nearest nursery that accepts them. I usually end up throwing the large ones on kijiji and people...
  5. zantrax

    Fungus gnats

    I use a combination of fly tape and aquabac BTI      Or you can try mosquito dunks
  6. zantrax

    Toronto 2013 Results/2014 Grow

    I have a few I kept from last year, aphids are destroying them which really sucks because I barely had any Carolina Reapers pods come out last year, and I was hoping to get a head start with overwintering but it doesn't look like they are going to make it. Hopefully my reaper seeds germinate, I...
  7. zantrax

    Toronto 2013 Results/2014 Grow

    Winston is one crazy dog, sure loves his peppers.   Finally got around to getting my seeds into their jiffy pods today. 23 Varieties - 3 Pods/Variety Except 5 Varieties That Get 6 Pods To Give To Friends - 3-4 Seeds/Pod  
  8. zantrax

    Toronto 2013 Results/2014 Grow

    After a short season here in Toronto I can safely say I have learned a whole lot this season about growing a subtropical plant in Canada. With our shorter growing season I noticed a lot of my super hot varieties, Carolina Reaper, Naga Viper etc. did not have time to fully mature. I started...
  9. zantrax

    ontario canada

    If you get decent sized plants they should produce by the end of the season. Plant when the night low is now lower than 10 and they will live. Use 5 gal buckets if you cannot plant in ground. For squirrels chicken mesh man. Miracle grow fert is expensive but why not. I use magic carpet 25-5-10...
  10. zantrax

    lighting Growing under 120w Led growing lights

    those are some funky pots where did you get them?
  11. zantrax

    pod What kind of pods are these

    It looks like it could be a ghost/habenero hybrid. A lot of nuseries supply both maybe they got crossed.
  12. zantrax

    Attack Of The Mutant Plant

    Perfectly normal. Cotyledons (first set of untrue leaves come up warped/mutated often.) Plants can even healthily grow into each other, You can take two species as seedlings, twist them together and they can merge. Also you can take a cutting and graft it onto another plant. Lisa Simpson did it...
  13. zantrax

    How close is too close for growing

    bag the blossonms... pshngo posted this a few days back I might be wrong but from my understanding you only have to bag a few of the blossoms, the bagged pods will be true, the others may not be as...
  14. zantrax

    consistency How to get that gelatin consistency?

    I purchased a bottle of this sauce, Grace Scotch Bonnet... it has this consistency that is hard to describe but it is fluid, yet not too runny. This sauce is weak in comparison to what I normally make, but in order to get this consistency that this sauce has I end up making it more vinegary. The...
  15. zantrax

    soil Mould on Soil Surface?

    Whats the recommended dilution ratio if your using 3% hydrogen peroxide?
  16. zantrax

    Using Cinder Blocks As Planters

    I guess that depends on what your definition of well is :P
  17. zantrax

    Jobu's Grow 2013

    I would take off the humidity dome, let some fresh air circulate, get a fan on them to help the stems harden/prevent mold, and get those lights right up close to your plants so they don't become leggy, CFLs only produce max 1000 lumen each.
  18. zantrax

    overwintering Overwinter or clones? Which should I do this fall?

    If you looking for a winter gardening project you should check out this... overwintering & pepper bonzai/bochi tree making
  19. zantrax

    soil Question bout mold on top of soil....

    The mold is harmless if its due to low air circulation, white mold. If you use wood Popsicle sticks or stir sticks they tend to rot causing white mold, which is harmless. Wipe it off gently with your finger and gently turn the surface of your soil, then get a fan on it. Mold thrives in still...