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  1. santis00

    pests Baby bug ID

      And I know the ladybugs are outdoors.. maybe ill start putting these outside sooner than I was hoping
  2. santis00

    pests Baby bug ID

      Arsenal as in fire? Burn the plant?! Nvm reading some different options on getting rid of these guys. 
  3. santis00

    pests Baby bug ID

    Assuming its a baby aphid but I have never seen them and want to be sure.     Just realized its a bad picture, I will take another.   Weird as these are still indoors and just appeared yesterday but nothing have changed over the last month or so.
  4. santis00

    I think I was miss sold seads

      At least they are replacing them. Sucks your down time :(
  5. santis00


    Sounds like my day. Planted last week, 5/7 days have been windy as hell. waiting for my stems to snap
  6. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

      Did you transplant directly into the ground or into solo cups or larger?   I am noticing the stems are not strong, need to get a small fan on them
  7. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

    So the little dudes are getting bigger. Debating if I should transplant them or not. A little worried, I pulled one of the smaller ones out and only have one main root, so not sure if they are ready yet or not.    What do you guys think?  
  8. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

      Yeah I think your right. I may move at least the one pepper plant away from the tomatoes. I wanted them on that side so they dont soak up the sun but might want to re-think how close it is... thanks!
  9. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

    Was able to do some planting, and of course it was crazy windy over night. Luckily the plants weren't affected, nice to have a wall right by the plants. I may have planted these a little to high, what do you all think?    
  10. santis00

    Hybrid Mode 01 2015

    that  cheiro is a beautiful looking plant
  11. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

    A few of the seedlings are starting to get their first set of true leaves! Some of the newer seedlings are not as stretched as some of the others. Probably because i put the lights a little closer and added a little more to get some more reflection.    
  12. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

    This is how I have it now, but I like your idea ill have to pick up some supplies this weekend.      Another pic, like you said they are stretched. I read you can plant them a little deeper but what other issues might there be?     Tilled the garden today, going to take some pictures of that...
  13. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

      Yes yours are lower. I moved mine closer a few days ago, hope its not to late. Since it was my first time I figured the lights would burn and kill the plants. I also see a lot of you using the silver metallic film (what is it exactly?). I think I might add a few of that and maybe another light...
  14. santis00

    NM 2015 - From green to red glog!

    Figure it would be good to become more of an active member on these forums and start my own glog. For the following reasons   1. Something to look back and reflect on for my accomplishments. 2. Get expert advice (from all you wise ones, and some of the pretenders :) on what I am doing wrong. 3...
  15. santis00


    Very nice! Looking good
  16. santis00

    Why are supers hard to grow?

      ha I second that! I don't have a green thumb growing from seeds. But give me a 2 inch plant with some leaves and that baby will thrive! Except this year I am determined to grow from seeds!
  17. santis00

    breeding Cross Pollination.

    I guess I have nothing to worry about then for this year. Just didn't want a Bhut crossing into my green chile and really hurting my kids ha!    I think ill concentrate on growing and not saving seeds (except from the super hots) this year, but cross-pollination sounds fun and challenging.
  18. santis00

    breeding Cross Pollination.

    I read some information on cross pollination and how it will not show until the following year (if you use the seeds from the two plants).   Typically I have gone to a local nursery to purchase my plants, but this year I was sent some seeds and they seem to be doing pretty good. In the past I...
  19. santis00

    pests Got Pests? Free repellant prototype (limited offer)

    pretty cool offer! Curious to see how this works when others report back
  20. santis00

    Plants not growing

    Maybe you got the Bonsai version of the plant? jk. bummer hope they start growing!