i had hornworm eggs all over my plants too..only found one tiny worm. gotta inspect your plants daily and use the product (bt) that these dudes/dudettes recommend. waiting for the next round of pepper munching invaders..this time i will be ready! :hell:
I found these tiny round translucent irradiated looking eggs(?) all over my pepper plants..anyone know what they could be..hornworm i suspect. sorry there is only one in the pic, kinda freaked out and crushed 'em all before i thought to get the evidence photo'd
sicman's peppers definitely the way to go! ordered monday, got em wednesday! ate a bunch, effing delicious, got burnt up..made a 'sic' sauce with the rest..was wondering what the white peps are at the top of the photo? also the big gnarly ones below them? thanks again sicman! will be ordering...
we got a booming craft brew scene here in abq, ross. seems like there's one on every corner. i'm with you, anything with double, triple, or imperial in the name(esp. ipas)..cheers to the beers!! :cheers:
very true..as long as they look good, smell good, and taste good..and those beasties were very tasty, like a sweet fruit that i can't quite place..and very HOT as well :shocked: