Search results

  1. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    I don't know if counts, these are varieties that I sowed early in the fall, nothing very interesting... They are producing the first pods. Trinidad Scorpion Olive First time I'm trying 7 Pot Douglah Jamaican Yellow Mushroom The shape of this pepper... Cayenne
  2. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    I'm Looking forward for your next GLOG in 2022 I think it will be very interesting! 👍
  3. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    C. rhomboideum This is a variety that I am very interested in growing Murasaki Pepper Dark purple cotyledons
  4. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Wow, the climate where you live is tropical, I never imagined it was so hot there in Mexico... Have you managed to successfully grow C. pubescens there? I ask, because here in Brazil I've never been able to... I believe it's too hot for the species!
  5. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Hi David! Thanks to having me back! 👍 OlĂĄ Paul Ă© um prazer conhecĂȘ-lo! Hi Paul nice to meet you! You right! the purple starts are PdN x Bonda. So... You speak portuguese right? It's all I need!!! Just kidding! 😄 I hope I can contribute to the community... Hi Dieter nice to meet you...
  6. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    The seedlings
  7. Alex_K

    Alex_K - 2021/2022

    Hi! I'm Alex from Brazil! Some old members might remember me... I make some seeds exchange here back in 2009. Had about 40 pepper plants but after the end of the season they suffered from massive whiteflies attack and I lost mostly of them... frustrated I gave up on growing peppers plants but...
  8. Alex_K

    trade Seeds Trade/Wish List

    New List... I have to trade: -Biquinho -Bode Amarelo -Bode Laranja -Cheiro do Norte -Pimenta Luna -Cumari -Malagueta -Dedo de Moca -Murupi Amarela -7 Pod/Pot -Laos Finest (few) -Pequin (few) -Japone (few) -Pinguita de Mono -Habanero Orange -Habanero Red -Hungarian Boldog -Numex Twilight -Numex...
  9. Alex_K

    trade Seeds Trade/Wish List

    Hi everybody, I have to trade the varieties below: -Biquinho -Bode Amarelo -Bode Laranja -Cheiro do Norte -Pimenta Luna -Cumari -Malagueta -Dedo de Moca -Murupi Amarela -Pequin (few) -Japone (few) -Pinguita de Mono -Habanero Orange -Habanero Red -Habanero Chocolate -Hungarian Boldog -Numex...
  10. Alex_K

    trade Seeds to Trade...

    Yes but isn't from remeir I received here from a friend in brazilian peppers forum and already had germinated...
  11. Alex_K

    trade Seeds to Trade...

    Hi Talas, No problem I wait... Tell me what you want and send me your direction...;) :cheers:
  12. Alex_K

    trade Seeds to Trade...

    I don’t know it happened with Cristie but I received some seeds of Al C. this year and we did not have problems.;) I think it’s easier the seeds to be restrained in the US than here in Brazil.:doh: if you want to try to make an exchange
 Let's make an exchange!:D Sorry for my poor English...
  13. Alex_K

    trade Seeds to Trade...

    Thanks! It's a Jalapeno with face...:oops: If you want some seed, just tell me mmmkay!?;) :cheers:
  14. Alex_K

    Hi from Brazil!

    Yes and you too!!! Hehe!!!:lol: Very bizarre talk...:shocked: :cheers:
  15. Alex_K

    Hi from Brazil!

    Thanks Canuk Pepperhead! Nice Signature...:lol:
  16. Alex_K

    trade Seeds to Trade...

    Hi, I have to trade the varieties below: -Biquinho -Bode Amarelo -Bode Vermelho -Cheiro do Norte -Pimenta Luna -Cumari -Malagueta -Malaguetao -Olho de Pombo (few) -Chifre de Veado (few) -Pequin (few) -Japone (few) -Pinguita de Mono (few) -Habanero Orange -Habanero Red -Habanero Chocolate -Aji...
  17. Alex_K

    Hi from Brazil!

    AJ, DEFCON and LuckyDog... Thanks!:)
  18. Alex_K

    Hi from Brazil!

    Hi Magarida, Thanks for the welcome... ----------------------------------------------------------------- OlĂĄ Margarida "A peregrina" huahuahuahua!!!:lol: Muito legal te ver aqui! Que o pessoal Ă© gente fina eu jĂĄ percebĂ­, agora, se eu vou conseguir falar com eles jĂĄ Ă© outra...
  19. Alex_K

    Hi from Brazil!

    Hi Al, You are here too!? Nice to see you back! Yep, the seeds germinating slowly because of the fall/winter...
  20. Alex_K

    Hi from Brazil!

    Thanks... Wow! Members from many countries here!!!:shocked: My English is horrible but I try to communicate with everybody mmmkay???:banghead: Thanks for the welcomes!!!!:D