-___- Besides you I've never had problems with sending off my seeds OR payment......I've bought from Ajijoe before with no problems along with several powder sellers.Get over it :/ I sent my package its not my fault it didn't arrive
Woah more posts than i expected here :P
And I only have the HP22Bs on the list for when Ed decides to sell which is apparently the first week of september
@Mega- I've gotten a few pms saying that some members are talking about me...That is all.So honestly i don't know who to direct this to :P Thanks for the advice though
@Everyone else - You can lock this I just want people to stop talking about me :( I get it enough everywhere else i'd like to...
I am not a seed HOARDER :/
To anyone thinking I don't grow and just hoard has no right to say so.....Yes I don't take pictures like alot of you but I honestly don't have the time to do so everytime I make a post on here....
I trade and buy ALOT of seed because I give to my local co-op and my...
7 Pot Strains
Ghost Strains
Infinity Chili
7 Pot Barrackpore
Chocolate Scorp
White Bhut
Peach Bhut
Butch T
Please message me :) I am not benefiting from this just helping the community i live in expand their knowledge of peppers so I thought I'd introduce them to some new strains and...
Butch Ts
7 Pod Barrackpore -PRIORITY-
Choc Scorp
HP22B -When Released-
Looking to buy only :/ Not doing anymore trades since apparently I don't send :/ Stupid post office....