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  1. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pecan Smoked Pepper Powders

      Awww hell then y would u TEASE ME!!? lol
  2. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pecan Smoked Pepper Powders

      sent u an inbox!
  3. KingChile


      I'm not quite sure to be honest
  4. KingChile


    Only one I really enjoy watching anymore is Nigel.....he really gets into detailed reviews and makes me wanna try many different peppers.   Team Nigel!!
  5. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pecan Smoked Pepper Powders

    I love the way pecan smoked powders taste and really looking for a 7 pot burgundy powder, but wanting to see what else is out there thats been pecan smoked!
  6. KingChile

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

      I can't wait till I can get some of his chocolate bs sauce also my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!
  7. KingChile

    The best "bird eye" pepper

      sadly ive never tried them but growing up they seemed easy to grow since my grandparents always had like 3 or 4 just sitting on the window sill and they get tons of pods on them!
  8. KingChile

    The best "bird eye" pepper

    ask in the forum im sure someone is selling some fresh pods or seeds.....u can prolly even get the seeds free from most people on here.
  9. KingChile

    The best "bird eye" pepper

    u might wanna try Tepin x Lemon Drop those are absolutely DELICIOUS!!
  10. KingChile

    hobbies How many people are gamers?

    I've been playing World of Warcraft.....sometimes i'll get on my Madden or NBA2K but waiting for the new NBA2K I love the MyPlayer mode!
  11. KingChile

    My first Sauce

    love the container lol
  12. KingChile

    NFL 16 game total points free sfrb

    thats too much math for me i'll just guess 324
  13. KingChile

    This weeks contest for a free SFRB

  14. KingChile

    Beginners Luck with Avacado's

    damn i been wanting to plant a few avocado trees myself since I eat them on a regular basis
  15. KingChile

    7 Pot Burgundy

    The ones i've had were not so red and were darker and some had like a greenish tint to the burgundy color
  16. KingChile

    7 Pot Burgundy

      that would be awesome left me find someone to purchase more from 
  17. KingChile

    7 Pot Burgundy

    It's a REALLY good one i'll tell ya that much, I can't get enough of them!......I need to find some pecan smoked Burgundy powder!
  18. KingChile

    7 Pot Burgundy

      These are my absolute favorite peppers
  19. KingChile

    7 Pot Burgundy

    This pepper has to be the hands down best tasting pepper I have ever had......I cook it with my meats or sautee it then put it on my food. If u havent tried this pepper I suggest u do!!