Search results

  1. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Cumari Do Para

    Another great pepper I heard had an excellent flavor to it!!....So if u are growing any of these and have them for sale let me know or if u know someone plz. :)
  2. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pimenta De Neyde, Cheiro Roxa and Manzanos or Rocotos!

      I not the biggest fan of raw pods either when u get into the super hots, I think its just that caps taste that gets me.........I do cook with them all the time thou which changes the flavors extremely! But yes i'm very interested in those pods so lets work something out :)   Might have to try...
  3. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pimenta De Neyde, Cheiro Roxa and Manzanos or Rocotos!

      have u tried them yet?.....are they as good as people have told me? awesome looking pod btw!
  4. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pimenta De Neyde, Cheiro Roxa and Manzanos or Rocotos!

      don't have to be a sfrb I was just told they are really good and wanted to try some
  5. KingChile

    SFRB's 12 bux a pop

      wow those look so damn nice and sound delicious i love the red ones!
  6. KingChile

    SFRB's 12 bux a pop

    damn yellow sb7j sounds really yummy!
  7. KingChile

    wanted WTB: Pimenta De Neyde, Cheiro Roxa and Manzanos or Rocotos!

    Looking for the best tasting peppers with heat and these are what i'm looking for right now anyone with other kinds of ideas with the best tasting peppers with heat thats not super super hot let me know......I honestly dont even really get a flavor from super hots except the capsaicin taste...
  8. KingChile

    Make Your Own SFRB- Over 100 Varieties- $14

      PM sent!!
  9. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    Come on chileheads come join the fun we still need 4 more teams!!
  10. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    come on guys join the fun this football season!!!
  11. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    Looking for 4 more teams!! Winner gets 2 bottles of hot sauce and 1oz of pepper powder or dried peppers from each player!!
  12. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    Need 4 more chileheads for our FFL come on and enjoy the fun and possibly win some sauces and powders or dried pods!!
  13. KingChile

    Straight Outta Compton

    Man all these bass tracks and I don't see 1 Dj Laz!!?
  14. KingChile

    Finally nailed a decent sauce! I'm hooked.

    Looks and sounds delicious!!   I also volunteer my sauce critic services! :party:  :party:  :party:
  15. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    Need 4 more players and we'll have 12 teams come on chileheads!!!
  16. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

      hmm that weird, whats ur email again?   nice!.....msg me ur email
  17. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    still need 5 more teams for out THP fantasy football league where the losers pay the winner 2 bottles of hot sauce and 1oz of pepper powder or dried peppers!!
  18. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    sent ur invite out already bro!
  19. KingChile

    misc Pepper Powder Vials

      damn that sounds really yummy btw!!
  20. KingChile

    Fantasy Football THP League

    Looking for ATLEAST 5 more and at the most 7 more for a 12 or 14 team league winner will receive 2 bottles of hot sauce and and 1oz of pepper powder or dried peppers from each player!! Hit me up and join the fun!! Draft is September 5th @ there or be square!