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  1. peppermanbaha

    Transplant shock. HOW to reverse ?

    Quote :: ...and bout split it in half .. :end quote I'm having a bitt of trouble editing the post but by this i mean since the rot get no deeper than a quarter of the way down in the peat pot by the time it is transplanted, i split the peat pot horizontally in half. But if theres two seeds...
  2. peppermanbaha

    Transplant shock. HOW to reverse ?

    when i had first started i pulled one plant straight out and killed the roots but these one i find the root loosen it from the peat and plant i'd normally take the mesh off and bout split it in half because the seeds are planted straight on top. No the roots arent caught i the mesh i try to et...
  3. peppermanbaha

    Transplant shock. HOW to reverse ?

    Hey guys i've been noticing after i put seedlings from the jiffy set into their pots after they sprout they wilt a bit i think it might be transplant shock i usually pull them up. But only a few are showing this. Can this be helped or reversed. I'm thinkin aquarium water and epsom salt foliar...
  4. peppermanbaha

    5000 posts!!!!

    happy 5000th post.
  5. peppermanbaha

    Vato's 2010 season

    great list my man. LOokinG ForWaRd to some pics.
  6. peppermanbaha

    seeds Free seeds for CHILEMANs ROCOTO CHALLENGE

    HELLS YEAH !!!! I'd love to try the red rocoto this year.
  7. peppermanbaha

    Hello from South Carolina

  8. peppermanbaha

    Here From Michigan...

    Welcome from the commonwealth of the bahamas
  9. peppermanbaha

    Hi There . . from a UK Chilli Nut

    WELCOME FROM THE COMMONWEALTH REALM OF THE BAHAMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. peppermanbaha

    Peppermanbaha's 2010 Log

    Could be P-man. I dont know . how r u enjoying the new year. PS. I'm diiggin thp's new look. Get what i'm sayin cuz i aint sayin nuthin if get what i said which is nuthin, get it?
  11. peppermanbaha

    Hapy New Year!!!!!!

    I'd like to wish every one Gnappy Jew Hair. But more importantly i'd like to say happy new year.
  12. peppermanbaha

    Offer: Naga, Thai, Aji Umba Searching for: Fatalii, Neyde

    nappy yew hear mike . Seeds will be on their way on tuesday.
  13. peppermanbaha

    7 Pod skin porn..

    Cappy's pics r great. I hope to grow some 7 pod aj this year but i dont know if their the same as your Brains strain
  14. peppermanbaha

    Peppermanbaha's 2010 Log

    yes they are tough buggers to germinate. i tried in june of 2009 with seeds neil from sent me. None germinated but boutros just sent me a few about a month and a half ago and i was able to get 3 going. When i have a few pods i'll send over a few seeds.
  15. peppermanbaha

    Peppermanbaha's 2010 Log

    POtawie i know i'm not that smart, but thats frikin spelt Bonda man janqkues !!!:):shocked:
  16. peppermanbaha

    Peppermanbaha's 2010 Log

    NO never. as we speak i'm sweating and its december. But even though i have perfect weather for chilies i would kill to live in ecuador or brazil .
  17. peppermanbaha

    Peppermanbaha's 2010 Log

    theyre fine i just cut back the got and harvested a sole pod . Thats drying in the window. Will be saving a few seeds .
  18. peppermanbaha

    Peppermanbaha's 2010 Log

    about 15 now jjs but i'll have about a hundred by the time the season's over.
  19. peppermanbaha

    Show us your Ornamentals

    pepperlover i didnt know that you were on this forum . Great ornamentals everyone.