Search results

  1. 7Pod


    3° F right now :confused:
  2. 7Pod

    Happy Birthday Salsalady!!!

  3. 7Pod

    Jamison's "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete

    Nice warm day to go fishing. :D All the hooks look good. :cheers:
  4. 7Pod

    Hello from sunny South Africa

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  5. 7Pod

    romy6 2013

    Can you mail cooked T bones :drooling:
  6. 7Pod

    Hello - New Here

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  7. 7Pod

    romy6 2013

    Everything looks nice and green for you. The Bhut & Douglah look :hot: :cheers:
  8. 7Pod

    great site great people

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  9. 7Pod

    Chilihead from Vegas!

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  10. 7Pod

    Hello from Sunny Scotland

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  11. 7Pod

    Hello from Italy

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  12. 7Pod

    romy6 2013

    Nice list of heat you started. :onfire: Being able to start seeds and harvest at the same must be nice.
  13. 7Pod

    Hello from upstate New York

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  14. 7Pod

    Hello from the in the UK

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  15. 7Pod

    Hello from Nottingham, UK

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  16. 7Pod

    stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

    Nice root balls your plants had. I wish you luck in rid getting of the virus from your yard. Texas-style Sushi-Poppers look great :cheers:
  17. 7Pod


    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  18. 7Pod

    Greetings from Pittsburgh PA

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  19. 7Pod

    Hello from New Orleans

    :welcome: from Wisconsin
  20. 7Pod

    Texas Farmer !

    :welcome: from Wisconsin