I started them indoors because my cats absolutely love digging things up and "doing their business" where I dug right before them. If my cats see there is something growing in that spot they will smell it, try eating it for some odd reason, then walk away. They can't see seeds underground so...
Okay I have some Cherry tomato seedlings along with Jalapeno seedlings that are about a month and 5 days old, the rest are nearly a month old. Here are some pics.
I don't know why the last pic is so tiny...
I put them in my garage.. Will that work to harden them off? It's pretty...
I won an SFRB about a week ago and they came today, now I need some help identifying them. I want to ID them before I eat them to look up the SHU just so that I don't die from unexpected heat.
Here are the peppers:
You can put them into soil as soon as the root shows out of the seed. I keep mine in plastic baggies until the root is about half an inch long, I have sometimes waited until the leaves came out, but I just found it harder to put in the soil without damaging the root.
I don't know what type of pepper that is, but it looks great! I love how it turns from green to purple then finally yellow. Even if the purple is just a sun tan, it still looks awesome.
I don't know when to do the stuff you are asking, but I am doing the exact same thing. This year I only harvested 4 peppers and 1 more is on the way. What an awful year this was for me. I have already started my fall/winter grow. I have a greenhouse which I will use during the cold months of the...
My bid is 15 dollars!
Woah just checked my paypal and I only have $6.47.
Sorry man, if I am able to get some money on there later today I'll bid but I'm gonna have to cancel this bid.