• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

New Mexico Pepper Sauce...BANG!

This killer sauce was cooked just yesterday, and tasted great right out of the pot.  No aging required.
Charcoal roasted/frozen, peeled chiles Chilacas, Big Jims, Jalapenos, Serranos, Jalamundos.
1/2 white onion, pan roasted
8 garlic cloves, pan roasted
1 TBLS Mexican oregano
1 TSP comino
kosher salt, to taste
`3 C. water
1/2 C. white vinegar
Chopped, simmered, blended, strained, and simmered again.  I added the spices during the first simmer; vinegar, to taste, during the final simmer.
Yield: 40oz



In the pot.

Strained.  What a smell!

What it is.

My wife baked a biscuit, sausage, cheese, egg casserole this morning.  A fine match for this sauce.  Pure green chile goodness.


Nice looking sauce.  I plan on making a sauce after work and planned on roasting the peppers.  I hadn't thought about roasting the onion as well, do you think it makes a difference?
1tom2go said:
Sounds great!  Looks like a good sauce.  I also have Big Jims and serrano growing and they are great for sauces.  It's green chile harvest time here in NM and the air is filled with roasting peppers.  Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Man, you have it good down there. I can smell the tamales from here...