I am looking to do my first indoor grow. I plan on growing 4-5 plants in 5 gallon grow bags. What is the recommended lighting for this? 400w, 600w? MH or HPS?
A friend of mine gave me some peppers a few years ago. I believe they were white habonero's, they looked like white jelly beans and we're pretty hot. I can't seem to find them available anywhere. Can someone help me? I'm looking for seeds.
Thanks for all the input.
Cubbieblue, how often is it recommended to fertilize with the blend you posted?
eternalsoil, I was looking for the soil blend too, Thanks.
I have grown peppers in pots some years ago and I always got small plants with TONS of leaves and much smaller fruits than the ones planted in the ground.
I used Miracle Grow potting soil that had a fertilizer in it already.
I used 12" pots and 5 gallon buckets.
I have started to grow again...