Search results

  1. Hucklebuck

    breeding Preventing cross-pollination of hot peppers using isolation techniques

      Where is a good place to get those wedding bags? At what time should the flower be glued?
  2. Hucklebuck

    isolating pods

    I am curious, how do people isolate pepper pods so their is no cross pollination. Bedsides the obvious grow only one kind of pepper.
  3. Hucklebuck

    Jamaican Hot Chocolate Pod Test

    Good review. Haven't tried this one.  I grew a choc hab years ago and it was a ripper for heat.
  4. Hucklebuck

    lighting Lighting for indoor grow

    I am looking to do my first indoor grow.  I plan on growing 4-5 plants in 5 gallon grow bags.  What is the recommended lighting for this? 400w, 600w? MH or HPS?
  5. Hucklebuck

    First Reaper Pods for A Newbie

    I don't see the aphids either....
  6. Hucklebuck

    chinense Peach Bhut Pod Test

    Nice review: showing the plant, slicing open the pepper and commentary.  Sounds like a pepper I would like to grow.
  7. Hucklebuck

    Looking for white habonero

    A friend of mine gave me some peppers a few years ago. I believe they were white habonero's, they looked like white jelly beans and we're pretty hot. I can't seem to find them available anywhere. Can someone help me? I'm looking for seeds.
  8. Hucklebuck

    fertilizer Potting soil with fertilizer, small plants/fruits

    Thanks for all the input.   Cubbieblue, how often is it recommended to fertilize with the blend you posted?   eternalsoil, I was looking for the soil blend too, Thanks.
  9. Hucklebuck

    fertilizer Potting soil with fertilizer, small plants/fruits

    Any links to these products?  Want to make sure I'm getting the right stuff.
  10. Hucklebuck

    fertilizer Potting soil with fertilizer, small plants/fruits

    I have grown peppers in pots some years ago and I always got small plants with TONS of leaves and much smaller fruits than the ones planted in the ground.   I used Miracle Grow potting soil that had a fertilizer in it already.  I used 12" pots and 5 gallon buckets.   I have started to grow again...
  11. Hucklebuck

    hello from chicago

    Hello neighbor!
  12. Hucklebuck

    favorite Favorite Buffalo Wild Wings Sauce?

    I had the Blazzin and Wild. I thought that they both tasted bad, was really dissapointed. I need to try Mango Habanero and Spicy Garlic.
  13. Hucklebuck

    hello from nyc

    Welcome from Chicago
  14. Hucklebuck

    avid collector

    Welcome from Chicago.
  15. Hucklebuck

    What size pots do you all use to grow your peppers outside.

    I have no problem finding 5 gallon buckets and they are cheap. Where do you people get 7, 10 and 12 gallon buckets from?
  16. Hucklebuck

    Pepper Joe's Island Hot Sauce

    I slathered it on a chicken 1/4.mmmmm!
  17. Hucklebuck

    Pepper Joe's Island Hot Sauce

    I'm making this sauce now. I'll be back later, after I have some. :drooling:
  18. Hucklebuck

    Hello from Winnipeg... where?!

    Welcome from Chicago.
  19. Hucklebuck

    Greetings from South Dakota

    Welcome from Chicago
  20. Hucklebuck

    chinense naganumbness eats a chocolate bhut jolokia

    How tall does this plant grow?