Nice Ed. Glad to see you enjoyed that one as much as I did. They do taste delicious in a strange way. The one I grew myself was the same flavor but a whole level hotter than Judy's so you definitely need to try yours to compare. The one she sent me was pretty brown inside, the one I grew was 3/4 covered with a thick white placenta. You should cut one open to see how much yours have. What temps did it get in Savannah this year. You were over 100 for a little while right? Also I never figured you for a parakeet man, that bird sounded like he wanted some of your pepper. LOL Oh and thanks for the idea of using Judy's box as a tripod. It takes me forever to find something to perch my mini HD cam on to get the right height. So I rarely use it. I just need to break down and buy a tripod. Hehehe