I just went to BWW for the first time on my birthday and wanted to taste the Blazin first before doing the challenge. It would suck to do a challenge when the food tastes bad. So I sampled the Blazin,and the Wild wings. Both sauces tasted like crap. I'm glad I didn't do the challenge would have...
I would like a pepper jelly recipe for fatalli, or naga. I would like it hot! I'm going to buy a jelly making kit soon and start making some. I have about a dozen varieties of hot peppers this year and want to try something new.
I have 5 potted pepper plants, some are flowering a second time and some are fruiting their second time. The temperatures outside are in the 60's and the lows are in the 40's. I want to get this second crop. The plants are around 2 foot tall. When should I bring them inside? I also have 2...