Search results

  1. Epicfire

    greenhouse Can't find good greenhouse

    Lol i saw that in the complaints. Green houses look hard to build
  2. Epicfire

    food Grandma's Chicken Spaghetti

    This looks really good!!
  3. Epicfire


    I am trying to germinate Orange habaneros from the supermarket. I tried reapers but it didn't go well
  4. Epicfire


    I am trying to slow down I am mostly replying
  5. Epicfire


    Ok but I havent introduced myself so I needed to. I edited the post. I saw that I said first time.
  6. Epicfire

    greenhouse Can't find good greenhouse

    Which type of fixed greenhouse is good for a beginner like me? And can I expand the greenhouse to a larger size?
  7. Epicfire


  8. Epicfire


    when I joined I forgot to tell you about me. I am from Texas. I love to eat peppers whole like tedthefirebreathingidiot. My favorite team is the Golden State Warriors.
  9. Epicfire

    greenhouse Can't find good greenhouse

    I have been looking for Pop up greenhouses, but all I have been seeing are pictures of it broken and complaining people. I couldn't find a topic on this. What greenhouse do you guys recommend? Also is pop up greenhouses better than the big non transportable ones?
  10. Epicfire

    First Attempt to grow peppers glog

    Ordering off ebay is a bad idea more times than not it is a scam. Did the person have good reviews?
  11. Epicfire

    place to order live plants on the internet

    Mpicante has a lot. He pm'ed me when I was looking for plants.
  12. Epicfire

    seeds My hot pepper seedlings

    You should add more lights and you should try grow lights. I haven't tried them on peppers, but they work well for other plants.
  13. Epicfire

    New toy!!!!!!!!!

    That is very cool!!!
  14. Epicfire

    happy birthday DEFCON

    Happy birthday!
  15. Epicfire


  16. Epicfire

    Ugly food

    Ok I will
  17. Epicfire


    How do I delete my other profile (fire lord) ?
  18. Epicfire

    Ugly food

    Lol This topic is closed for now
  19. Epicfire


    I am 16
  20. Epicfire


    is this  avatar good?