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  1. Sorellina

    wanted Pepper Plants Wanted: Chicagoland

    The who are gonna what? Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks on a fantastic victory over the Criers. I hate Chris Pronger.
  2. Sorellina

    cippolini/borettana onion

    Ciao Mark- Thanks for posting this. I had forgotten that Greta had cippolini seed. I see her every year at the Toronto Seedy Saturday, so I'm making a note RIGHT NOW to ensure I'm not without seed for next year. I looked far and wide for sets back in late winter without any luck at all...
  3. Sorellina

    I must be crazy

    Ciao Mike- Yeah, that's a lot of tomatoes. I realized back in 2007 that the apex of what I can handle is 60 full-size indeterminates since I do so much canning and tomatoes are not the only things I grow. I've got 50 in the ground plus Munchkin's 5 dwarfs and 4 experimental indeterminates, 3...
  4. Sorellina

    Sorellina's Early Tomatoes 2010

    Ciao all- It's been a while since I've posted progress with the early tomatoes. This is how things looked outside as of 14 May: Ditmarsher tumbling cherry tomatoes in their hanging basket Close-up of flower clusters and fruit-set - as of today, I'm starting to see some blush, so it's...
  5. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Ciao all- The parcel's on its way to you, Ryan. Have fun~ :)
  6. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Ciao all- After a full weekend of planting, tilling, weeding, placing hoses, watering...Duane was finally able to sit back with his brewski and go through the parcel. It's all packaged up and ready to go to hisdaftness, but nutbar that he is, forgot to give me his last name for the post, so...
  7. Sorellina

    Query on some plants I got growing

    Ciao franz- Those are soybean/edamame sprouts. My Asian market carries them, too. They're sold right next to the mung bean sprouts which are what we round-eyes refer to as "bean sprouts". The bean halves are actually cotyledons or seed leaves for beans and those of the edamame sprouts are...
  8. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Ciao all- The parcel has now arrived. On the one hand, it's great to have it for the long weekend, but on the other hand, this is also just about our busiest weekend of the garden year. Duane's home all day on Monday so he will hopefully have time to sit back with a beer and go through the...
  9. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Not yet, Penny. I'll post when it gets here.
  10. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Thanks Penny. With any luck, it'll get here before the weekend.
  11. Sorellina

    JungleRains Seed Trading List_2010

    Ciao Grant- Wow, what beautiful photos! Thanks so much for sharing with us. It gives a new appreciation for what goes into a full-scale pepper seed-saving operation! I'm sure Duane would love to see your list so I'm sending you a PM as well.
  12. Sorellina

    2010 tomato grow log

    Ciao Serrano- Wow, thanks for posting those photos! Your plants look great. You'll want to bury that Opalka fairly deep when you plant it out, all the way up to those cotyledons and it will grow very nicely for you. Don't be put off by the droopy foliage, that's just what Opalka does. That...
  13. Sorellina

    Tomato Porn

    Ciao Mike- Dood, what does "ITC-06-313 plant" mean? Glad you're loving your ripe tomato-ness. The closest I am to that is a hanging basket with 2 Ditmarshers loaded with flowers and some fruit-set, very small, but still, fruit-set.
  14. Sorellina

    34 degrees tonight

    Ciao PF- I'm growing my lettuces like you are and they are rather thick. My Sea of Red lettuce is only about an inch tall right now so I'm going to let it grow some more before I do anything about it. It's not a heading type lettuce, more like a cut and come again type so I may not thin it at...
  15. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Ciao radman- When was the last time you heard from Sydtunes? Did you already have his mailing address and just sent the package on to him or did you PM him right before you sent it? Is there a tracking number for this parcel?
  16. Sorellina

    Hehe, hey huntsman, nutbar!

    Hehe, hey huntsman, nutbar!
  17. Sorellina

    Sky's 2010 Non-pepper grow thread

    Hey, look at that, you got one to come up! I'm still waiting for mine to emerge. My seed is a couple years old, but that's what I had to work with. I put the flat outside because those silly seeds are supposed to be cold-stratified AND require sunlight for germination. I wouldn't normally...
  18. Sorellina

    Tomatoes in containers

    Ciao all- I only grow smaller determinate containers in 5 gallon IKEA waste baskets with 1/2" holes drilled into the bottoms. I put a few broken pieces of brick in the bottom of each one to weigh them down. This keeps them from falling over during heavy thunderstorms, a fairly common...
  19. Sorellina

    Sky High Tomato Prices

    Ciao Mike- I started growing hollow stuffer tomatoes a few years ago and I make a chopped Greek Salad filling for them that's fantastic. I wouldn't be without 1-2 types each season now.
  20. Sorellina

    Seed Trading Parcel 2010 (Round 2) - Canada/USA

    Ciao radman- Hey, no worries, life happens. Thanks for letting us now and I'm confident we'll all survive. :)